by F. L. Gillette, Hugo Ziemann
The Whitehouse Cookbook (1887)
  • Cookbooks
  • 1887
  • Autor: F. L. Gillette, Hugo Ziemann
This book is a collection of original recipes, as well as cleaning tips and etiquette, adopted in the White House. This collection contains recipes for the first ladies of Washington and Lincoln, as well as menus for special receptions....
Number of pages: ~ 584 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.5/5

The Forme of Cury: A Roll of Ancient English Cookery Compiled, about A.D. 1390
Forme of Cury is an extensive collection of medieval English recipes from the 14th century. It was originally a scroll of master chef king Richard II. The manuscript is one of the most famous medieval cookbooks. This is the first English book to mention the use of olive oil, pumpkin, mustard and spices such as nutmeg and cloves in English cooking. Contains about 205 recipes....
Number of pages: ~ 158 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.1/5

Practical Cooking and Dinner Giving
Fragment from Practical Cooking and Dinner Giving: A Treatise Containing Practical Instructions in Cooking; In the Combination and Serving of Dishes; And in the Fashionable Modes of Entertaining at Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner No claim is laid to originality. Receipts which have not stood the test of time and experience are of but little worth. The author has willingly availed herself of the labors of others, and, having carefully compared existing works - adding here and subtracting there, as experience dictated - and having also pursued courses of study with cooking teachers in America and...
Number of pages: ~ 384 pages
Unknown rating