by S. P. Meek
The Solar Magnet
Solar Magnet is a short science fiction novel written in 1931 for Amazing Stories. This is another episode of Dr. Bird’s long scientific duel with his sworn enemy Saranoff. It’s nice to publish this new, high-quality and affordable edition of this timeless story....
Number of pages: ~ 22 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 2 out of 5

by Arthur J. Burks
Lords of the Stratosphere
  • Fiction
  • 1933
  • Autor: Arthur J. Burks
It seemed appropriate and appropriate that the greatest of all jumps into space should begin from the Roosevelt field, where so many great flights began and ended. Pilots whose names sounded - for space - around the world, landed here and were received by New York with all the splendor of visiting kings. The pilots went here to the lands of the kings, which they received when their journeys ended. Of course, Lucian Jeter and Theme Ayer were disappointed that Franz Kress defeated them in the race to be the first in the stratosphere above fifty-five thousand feet. There was a chance that Cress...
Number of pages: ~ 62 pages
Amazon Rating ~ n/a

by Harry Harrison
The Repairman
  • Fiction
  • 1958
  • Autor: Harry Harrison
Whom to send to repair the failed old lighthouse? Of course him, the best repairman of hyperspace beacons. Imagine his surprise when, arriving at the place, he saw that the lizard-like aborigines not only climbed into the lighthouse, but also built a temple in it, because of which there is a small religious war. I had to take the form of a lizard and urgently save the situation....
Number of pages: ~ 14 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.2 out of 5

by Laurence M. Janifer
Lost in Translation
In a language translation, you can get a literally accurate literal translation ... but completely miss the point. And in space translation ... the effect may be the same!...
Number of pages: ~ 14 pages
Amazon Rating ~ n/a

by Mrs. Molesworth
The Cuckoo Clock
  • Fiction
  • 1914
  • Autor: Mrs. Molesworth
"... just as any little child has been guided towards the true paradise by its fairy dreams of bliss."...
Number of pages: ~ 88 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 5 out of 5

by Joseph Samachson
  • Fiction
  • 2009
  • Autor: Joseph Samachson
A thin spot appeared on the visor plate and grew with an ominous and frightening speed. Flashes of flame began to play around the rocket ship, explosions fired from side to side as it spun and turned into a crazy attempt to escape. Rogue Rogan, his evil lips were clenched, his sparkling evil eyes narrowed, his heart was pounding, he knew that was all. It was a day of retribution, which he had been afraid for so long ......
Number of pages: ~ 14 pages
Amazon Rating ~ n/a

by H. G. Wells
The World Set Free
The book is based on the prediction of nuclear weapons more destructive and uncontrolled than the world has ever seen. It first appeared in serialized form with a different ending, as "The Prophetic Trilogy", consisting of three books: "The Trap to Catch the Sun", "The Last War in the World" and "The Released World". A common theme of Wells' work, as in his Book of Foreboding, 1901. Foreboding is the story of man's mastery of power and energy through technological advances, seen as a determining factor in human progress. The novel begins: "The history of mankind is the story of the attainment...
Number of pages: ~ 127 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 3.9 out of 5

by Joe Archibald
Operation Earthworm
  • Fiction
  • 1955
  • Autor: Joe Archibald
Here he is again, the irrepressible Septimus Spink, in a story as noisy as an old giant juggling stars and planets in his huge golden hands, and laughing joyfully like one tiny world - our own - spinning from it into caves, immeasurable for people . Thanks to specifications made to scale, Joe Archibald, whose versatility with a needle never ceases to amaze us, managed to angrily achieve a rare triumph in space and time, as well as a back halo in a magnificent solar burst of imperishable glory....
Number of pages: ~ 14 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4 out of 5

by Randall Garrett
Unwise Child
  • Fiction
  • 1962
  • Autor: Randall Garrett
When a super robot named Snookums learns how to create its own superbombs, it becomes obvious that the Earth is by no means the safest place for it. Therefore, Dr. Fitzhugh, his designer, and Leda Crannon, a child psychologist acting as the Snookums nanny, agree to organize Operation Brain, a plan to transport the robot to a distant planet. Mike Angel - MR R. Gabriel, Power Design - designed a propulsion system that would deliver the Branchell spaceship to its secret destination along with its unusual cargo. And, as a reserve officer in the Space Patrol, Mike is the logical replacement for...
Number of pages: ~ 103 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 3.6 out of 5

by Robert F. Young
The Servant Problem
  • Fiction
  • 1962
  • Autor: Robert F. Young
It can be a little difficult to sell the whole city and make it unnoticed, either to distribute it freely, or in the more ordinary sense of sale. People do not quite believe it....
Number of pages: ~ 20 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.7 out of 5