by Kurt Vonnegut
The Big Trip Up Yonder
  • Fiction
  • 1954
  • Autor: Kurt Vonnegut
After the invention of the cure for death, mankind faces a new problem: how to squeeze out these harmful old people, home tyrants who manipulate others by constantly copying the will....
Number of pages: ~ 11 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.1 out of 5

by Paul Myron Anthony Linebarger
The Game of Rat and Dragon
  • Fiction
  • 1955
  • Autor: Paul Myron Anthony Linebarger
This is a very peculiar story about the horrors of interstellar flights: outer space with its impenetrable darkness is a true abode of nightmares. Monsters living in interstellar space are incomprehensible. Telepathic humans perceive them as dragons; and the People’s Partners — the great warrior cats — Captain Woof and Lady May — like giant rats. Light is the doom of these monsters. Going beyond the salvific sunlight, people doom themselves to death or insanity. Thus, interstellar flights turn into an eternal battle for survival....
Number of pages: ~ 19 pages
Unknown rating

by Philip K. Dick
Beyond Lies the Wub
  • Fiction
  • 1952
  • Autor: Philip K. Dick
Lacking food and provisions, a team of earthlings takes from Mars a large batch of animals. Among them there is an animal, nicknamed the local natives Wub. Wub is a bit like a pig, and the captain of the ship Franco suggests immediately tasting the meat of this beast. But the fact is that the Wub itself doesn’t really want to be eaten, which Franco reports right there ......
Number of pages: ~ 11 pages
Unknown rating

by Jane Austen
Mansfield Park
The novel "Mansfield Park" belongs to the mature period of creativity of the famous English writers Jane Austen, the authors of such elegant and flashing novels as "Pride and Warning", "Reason of Reason", "Emma", "Northanger Abbey". In it, Austin is artfully depicted with brilliance and her amazing irony. In the estate "Mansfield Park", where they take on the upbringing of Fanny Price, there is a general disagreement and misunderstanding. Greed and selfishness drives people’s actions here. However, thanks to the kindness, selflessness and perseverance Fanny manages to overcome all the...
Number of pages: ~ 363 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.0/5

by Charles Dickens
David Copperfield
  • Fiction
  • 1996
  • Autor: Charles Dickens
David was born half an orphan - six months after the death of his father. At first, the boy grew up surrounded by the love of his mother and nanny, but with the advent of his stepfather, a stubborn tyrant who considers the child his burden, he had to forget about his former life. Another "mentor", an ignorant Mr. Crickle, a former hop merchant who became the school principal, continued to hammer into his young hero his poor ideas about order. These barbarous methods of education will interrupt the seemingly harsh Betsy Trotwood, which will become for the boy the embodiment of goodness and...
Number of pages: ~ 736 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.1/5

by Harriet Beecher Stowe
Uncle Tom's Cabin
  • Fiction
  • 2006
  • Autor: Harriet Beecher Stowe
Harriet Beecher-Stowe novel of 1852, directed against slavery in America. The novel produced a great public outcry; According to some estimates, he was exiled to the US Civil War Hijina Dyadi Toma became the best-selling novel of the 19th century and second in sales of books of the century after the Bible. In the first year after the publication of 300,000 copies of books were sold in the United States, one million copies - in the UK. In 1855, three years after publication, he was named “the most popular novel of our day”....
Number of pages: ~ 384 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.4/5

by Edgar Rice Burroughs
The Son of Tarzan
  • Fiction
  • 1993
  • Autor: Edgar Rice Burroughs
The story "Son of Tarzan" refers to the cycle of fascinating stories about Tarzan by Edgar Burroughs. The story tells about the fate of Jack, son of Tarzan and Jane....
Number of pages: ~ 352 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.0/5

by Edgar Rice Burroughs
The Beasts of Tarzan
  • Fiction
  • 2017
  • Autor: Edgar Rice Burroughs
Returning from the jungle, Tarzan takes possession of the Greystokes inheritance and plunges into the bustle of London. To fully enjoy the joys of family life. His worst enemy escaped from prison and carried out a cunning plan of residence, as a result of which Tarzan was thrown onto an optional island without any hope of salvation. No less terrible fate that he committed No matter how insidious the ocean is, neither the predatory creatures of the wild forests, nor the warlike natives, nor the torrential rains, nor any other footprints, not obsessed by the ape-man to save his beloved Jane and...
Number of pages: ~ 162 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.5/5

by Giles Bishop
The Marines Have Landed
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute...
Number of pages: ~ 378 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.1/5

by Edgar Rice Burroughs
Warlord of Mars
  • Fiction
  • 1993
  • Autor: Edgar Rice Burroughs
It was one of the first, if not the first, story about the "hitman." Actually, he did not know anything (however, as now), and also considering that this was one of Burrough’s first works in the literary field — the book is good enough. Fantasy and enthusiasm of the author overlap small flaws. It is worth noting only two. First, the path to Mars and back. Enough vague and incomprehensible, but simply and elegantly in the light of that time. Secondly, the author of this article was the time periods in his book. For example, battles are described in great detail, and some minor episodes are...
Number of pages: ~ 160 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 3,9/5