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by Leonardo Da Vinci
A Treatise on Painting
  • Arts
  • 1651
  • Autor: Leonardo Da Vinci
The young student should, in the first place, acquire a knowledge of perspective, to enable him to give to every object its proper dimensions: after which, it is requisite that he be under the care of an able master, to accustom him, by degrees, to a good style of drawing the parts. Next, he must study Nature, in order to confirm and fix in his mind the reason of those precepts which he has learnt. He must also bestow some time in viewing the works of various old masters, to form his eye and judgment, in order that he may be able to put in practice all that he has been taught....
Number of pages: ~ 186 pages
Unknown rating

by William Loftus Hare
Watts (1817-1904)
  • Arts
  • 2017
  • Autor: William Loftus Hare
In July of 1904 the eighty-seven mortal years of George Frederick Watts came to an end. He had outlived all the contemporaries and acquaintances of his youth; few, even among the now living, knew him in his middle age; while to those of the present generation, who knew little of the man though much of his work, he appeared as members of the Ionides family, thus inaugurating the series of private and public portraits for which he became so famous. The Watts of our day, however, the teacher first and the painter afterwards, had not yet come on the scene. His first aspiration towards monumental...
Number of pages: ~ 52 pages
Amazon Rating ~ ~3.2/5