by Frank Lewis Dyer
Edison: His Life and Inventions
Thomas Edison is one of those great minds who, appearing in known periods of time among mankind, mark a whole new era in the development of a particular branch of science and technology. It is impossible to apply to him the standard that is usually used in evaluating many outstanding personalities; in their special mental strength and almost superhuman talents, people like him stand apart, representing amazing phenomena that have not yet been sufficiently studied by science....
Number of pages: ~ 202 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 3.9/5

The Man Shakespeare and His Tragic Life Story
The author was inclined to abstract theorizing. Frank Harris, whose book “The Shakespeare Man and the Tragic Story of His Life” was published in 1909 and enthusiastically received by Arnold Bennett, believed that it contrasted sharply with the orthodox biographies of high academic authorities whom Harris dismissed as “Mr. Cracker and company. ”...
Number of pages: ~ 440 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.3/5

by Suelette Dreyfus
A book about the exploits of a group of Australian, American, and British hackers in the late 1980s and early 1990s. The first chapter talks about the reaction of the computer security community to a worm that attacked DEC VMS computers in DECnet in December 1989 and was allegedly managed by a hacker from Melbourne....
Number of pages: ~ 512 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.7/5

by George Alexander Fischer
Beethoven, a character study
Ludwig van Beethoven is the greatest phenomenon in world music culture, a composer who became a legend during his lifetime. He was so incredibly talented and purposeful that, even having lost his hearing, he continued to create his own, unmatched, brilliant masterpieces. An outstanding maestro stood on the threshold of Romanticism in Western European music and was the direct founder of a new era, which replaced the exhausted Classicism. As a child, having learned music on the harpsichord with its characteristic lace sound, Beethoven subsequently popularized the piano by creating 5 concerts,...
Number of pages: ~ 138 pages
Unknown rating

by Lord Ronald Sutherland Gower
Joan of Arc
Ronald Gower is a British lord, politician, sculptor and writer. The amazing life of Joan of Arc haunted him. The legendary liberator of France is devoted to books, works, films, performances and paintings. In France there is no city in which her name would not be immortalized. The phenomenon of memory and great reverence for Joan of Arc lies in her unique biography - at 17 she became the commander in chief of France. Lord Gower studied her biography in detail to learn more about the phenomenal warrior, and shared his discoveries with the world....
Number of pages: ~ 334 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.2/5

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave
The story of the life of Frederick Douglas was written, as the title page reports, by Frederick Douglas himself and published in 1845. More than 250 years later, the narrative is still a powerful work, both for the bright window it provides for the practice of slavery in the American South and for its eloquent protection of human rights. The story tells the story of the life of Douglas from the moment of his birth to his escape from slavery at the age of 20 years. He reads both a personal testimony and an elaborate argument against slavery. Thus, Douglas's autobiography makes a strong...
Number of pages: ~ 176 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.4/5

by Benjamin Franklin
Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
Dale Carnegie said: “If you want excellent advice on how to deal with people, manage yourself and improve your personal qualities, read the autobiography of Benjamin Franklin - one of the most fascinating stories of life.” Benjamin Franklin (January 17, 1706 - April 17, 1790) was a politician, diplomat, scientist, inventor, journalist, publisher, and freemason. One of the leaders of the war for the independence of the United States. The first American to become a foreign member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. His biography is among the leaders in downloading on the Internet all over the...
Number of pages: ~ 144 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.3/5