"Pinocchio: The Tale of a Puppet" is a fairy tale by an Italian writer born in Florence. Pinocchio in translation from the Tuscan dialect means "pine nut". The wooden little man is known for his nose, which is enlarged every time Pinocchio tries to lie. “The Adventures of Pinocchio. The Story of a Wooden Doll ”introduces you to Fox and the Cat, the dad of the wooden boy - Jeppetto, a talking cricket, a beautiful girl with azure hair and many other characters of this unique fairy tale, full of adventure and magic.
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Pinocchio: The Tale of a Puppet PDF
- Added By: viktoriabaida1
- Genre: Children's / Fiction
- Date of first publication: 1883
- pagesNumber of pages: ~ 166
- Amazon Rating ~ 4.8/5
- filetype:pdf
Book brief summary
"Pinocchio: The Tale of a Puppet" is a fairy tale by an Italian writer born in Florence. Pinocchio in translation from the Tuscan dialect means "pine nut". The wooden little man is known for his nose, which is enlarged every time Pinocchio tries to lie. “The Adventures of Pinocchio. The Story of a Wooden Doll ”introduces you to Fox and the Cat, the dad of the wooden boy - Jeppetto, a talking cricket, a beautiful girl with azure hair and many other characters of this unique fairy tale, full of adventure and magic.
Book Pinocchio: The Tale of a Puppet (by Carlo Collodi)
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