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Glinda of Oz [PDF]

Glinda of Oz

Book brief summary
Glinda of Oz
Once in the Land of Oz, where there are neither rich nor poor, no enmity or envy, and life there is just a celebration of sociability and friendliness, a misfortune happened - the Skizers declared war on the Flat-headed! Obedient to the call of duty, armed with a magic wand, the Great Sorceress Ozma, the ruler of the Land of Oz, hurries to them. Along the way, she is accompanied by a friend, Princess Dorothy, a girl from Kansas. Their life is in mortal danger, but in the Magic Land of Good Evil is always punishable. And friendly help comes on time. “Glinda from the Land of Oz” is the last book by Lyman Frank Baum about the amazing adventures of the heroes of the fabulous Land of Oz.

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