"Regretting You" is a captivating and emotionally charged novel that delves into the complexities of love, family, and the power of forgiveness. Written by Colleen Hoover, it tells the intertwined stories of a mother and daughter, each grappling with their own regrets and secrets.
The story revolves around Morgan Grant, a woman in her thirties who has always put her family first. When a tragic accident shatters her world, Morgan finds herself struggling to cope with grief and the unexpected secrets that come to light. At the same time, her seventeen-year-old daughter, Clara, is navigating the challenging path of first love while dealing with her own internal conflicts.
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Book brief summary
"Regretting You" is a captivating and emotionally charged novel that delves into the complexities of love, family, and the power of forgiveness. Written by Colleen Hoover, it tells the intertwined stories of a mother and daughter, each grappling with their own regrets and secrets.
The story revolves around Morgan Grant, a woman in her thirties who has always put her family first. When a tragic accident shatters her world, Morgan finds herself struggling to cope with grief and the unexpected secrets that come to light. At the same time, her seventeen-year-old daughter, Clara, is navigating the challenging path of first love while dealing with her own internal conflicts.
Book Regretting You (by Colleen Hoover)
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