In America, in the rich family estate of Saddle Meadows, the Glendinning family leads a luxurious and carefree existence - Mrs. Glendinning rotates in the upper circles of local society; her son, Pierre, an athlete and a talented young writer who gained his first fame, is going to marry the lovely Lucy, whom he seems to have a crush on. But an accidental meeting with the mysterious beauty Isabel threatens to destroy Pierre's entire happy life, as she opens the veil of gloomy family secrets...
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Pierre; or The Ambiguities PDF
- Added By: viktoriabaida1
- Genre: Fiction
- Date of first publication: 1852
- pagesNumber of pages: ~ 174
- Amazon Rating ~ 4.1/5
- filetype:pdf
Book brief summary
In America, in the rich family estate of Saddle Meadows, the Glendinning family leads a luxurious and carefree existence - Mrs. Glendinning rotates in the upper circles of local society; her son, Pierre, an athlete and a talented young writer who gained his first fame, is going to marry the lovely Lucy, whom he seems to have a crush on. But an accidental meeting with the mysterious beauty Isabel threatens to destroy Pierre's entire happy life, as she opens the veil of gloomy family secrets...
Book Pierre; or The Ambiguities (by Herman Melville)
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