by Randall Garrett
Hanging by a Thread
  • Fiction
  • 1961
  • Autor: Randall Garrett
It’s rare that the fate of many people literally hangs in the balance - but it’s also rare that the device, each part of which has been thoroughly tested, does not work ......
Number of pages: ~ 22 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 3.3 out of 5

by S. P. Meek
The Great Drought
Another episode of Dr. Bird’s extraordinary duel with the learned wizard Saranov. "The maneuver is progressing the way you want. Dr. Bird?" asked the head of the air corps. The famous scientist lowered his binoculars and smiled. “Exactly, General,” he replied. "They keep a great line." “This is the largest concentration of air force this country has ever seen,” said General Merton proudly....
Number of pages: ~ 21 pages
Amazon Rating ~ n/a

by R. R. Winterbotham
The Whispering Spheres
  • Fiction
  • 1941
  • Autor: R. R. Winterbotham
An alien life form - a metal sinister - threatens all of humanity with destruction. Something that looked like an inner eye glowed for a moment as the sphere advanced....
Number of pages: ~ 34 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 5 out of 5

by Mack Reynolds
  • Fiction
  • 1953
  • Autor: Mack Reynolds
About five hundred miles northeast and forty-five miles above it, an enemy ship was spotted by the radar. He decided that this was most likely the Ivar K-12 interceptor and chose the evasion scheme....
Number of pages: ~ 9 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 3.4 out of 5

by Robert Sheckley
Cost of Living
  • Fiction
  • 1952
  • Autor: Robert Sheckley
Carrin is worried about the suicide of his acquaintance Miller. Why did this man commit suicide, because he had everything he needed to live: a wife, children, good work and all the wonders of luxury? First published in December 1952 in Galaxy Science Fiction....
Number of pages: ~ 14 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 2.3 out of 5

by Anthony Gilmore
The Affair of the Brains
  • Fiction
  • 1932
  • Autor: Anthony Gilmore
Hawk Carse himself goes on a date with Judd Kite with the ominous genius Ku Sui....
Number of pages: ~ 48 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.4 out of 5

by Randall Garrett
Hail to the Chief
  • Fiction
  • 1962
  • Autor: Randall Garrett
Conventional rhetoric has taken a violent turn. But what to expect when the candidate is a person with a name similar to Cannon? The buttons now fastened on each lapel said something like: "Blast them with a cannon!" or "Cannon Can Do!" Posters and signs in the form of boxes with a little more dignity read: WIN WITH CANNON and CANNON FOR PRESIDENT and simply JAMES H. CANNON....
Number of pages: ~ 25 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4 out of 5

by L. Taylor Hansen
The Undersea Tube
  • Fiction
  • 1929
  • Autor: L. Taylor Hansen
If my friend, an engineer, had not told me that the pipe was dangerous, I would not have bought a ticket on that fateful night, and the world would never have known the history of the Golden Cave and the City of the Dead. Therefore, according to the generally accepted custom, when I first presented my report as the sole survivor of the disaster under discussion at the International Committee for the Study of Natural Disasters, I am now ready to present this story to the whole world. Naturally, I know about many wild tales and rumors that have been circulating since the accident, but I must...
Number of pages: ~ 13 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4 out of 5

by Frank Belknap Long
The Sky Trap
  • Fiction
  • 1941
  • Autor: Frank Belknap Long
Lawton enjoyed a good fight. He stood happily exchanging blows with Slashway Tommy, his body with thin skin glistened with sweat. He chose to slowly develop pugnacity out of himself in order to enjoy her until she faded....
Number of pages: ~ 15 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 3 out of 5

by Laurence M. Janifer
Charley de Milo
  • Fiction
  • 2007
  • Autor: Laurence M. Janifer
It is completely not obvious - at first glance - that the presence of two completely good, usable hands can become a real obstacle for a person ... "To be, or not to be – that is the question. Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms ..." Hamlet, Act III, Scene I...
Number of pages: ~ 22 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 3 out of 5