by Randall Garrett
The Penal Cluster
  • Fiction
  • 1957
  • Autor: Randall Garrett
Even seasoned veterans of the Psychedelic Police do not expect the opportunity to take possession of their minds controlled by some external force. This never happened to Houston, but he knew that Artmore had once gone through this experience. This clearly did not like. By the time the mad baronet got out of the car and paid its driver, the whole territory was surrounded and filled with well-armed, silent and cautious agents of the Psychodevant Police. Poor fish, Houston thought. Another controller was detained by the psychedelic police. Another abnormal person, already convicted and...
Number of pages: ~ 35 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4 out of 5

by Arthur Feldman
The Mathematicians
  • Fiction
  • 1953
  • Autor: Arthur Feldman
We conveyed this story to a very competent and very good artist. We said, "Read this carefully, dream about it and come up with an illustration." A week later, she returned with a finished drawing. “Hero,” she said. We made a double take. "Hey! This is not a hero. ” She looked us straight in the eye. "Can you prove it?" She had us. We could not, and she hastily left to go home and prepare dinner for her family. And what did they have? Frog legs - what else?...
Number of pages: ~ 10 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 2 out of 5

by Jack Williamson
The Pygmy Planet
  • Fiction
  • 1932
  • Autor: Jack Williamson
Larry goes down to the infinitely small on his mission on the planet of the pygmies....
Number of pages: ~ 22 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 3 out of 5

by Al Sevcik
A Matter of Magnitude
When you command a spaceship a mile long and armed to the teeth, you certainly do not expect to be asked to get out of here ... The ship, for reasons related to the appropriation policy, was named Senator Joseph L. Holloway, but the press and the public called it Big Joe. Her captain, six-star Admiral Heselton, thought of her as Big Joe, and never ceased to wonder at the size of his command....
Number of pages: ~ 10 pages
Amazon Rating ~ n/a

by Barbara Constant
The Sound of Silence
  • Fiction
  • 1962
  • Autor: Barbara Constant
Most people, when asked to determine utter loneliness, say that they are alone in the crowd. And you need only one small difference in order to stay in the crowd forever ......
Number of pages: ~ 14 pages
Amazon Rating ~ n/a

by Sterling E. Lanier
Join Our Gang?
  • Fiction
  • 1961
  • Autor: Sterling E. Lanier
They certainly did not hold the gun in anyone's head; all they offered was help. Of course, they seemed to encourage people to seek help ......
Number of pages: ~ 12 pages
Amazon Rating ~ n/a

by Herman Melville
Pierre; or The Ambiguities
  • Fiction
  • 1852
  • Autor: Herman Melville
In America, in the rich family estate of Saddle Meadows, the Glendinning family leads a luxurious and carefree existence - Mrs. Glendinning rotates in the upper circles of local society; her son, Pierre, an athlete and a talented young writer who gained his first fame, is going to marry the lovely Lucy, whom he seems to have a crush on. But an accidental meeting with the mysterious beauty Isabel threatens to destroy Pierre's entire happy life, as she opens the veil of gloomy family secrets......
Number of pages: ~ 174 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.1/5

by John Galsworthy
The Forsyte Saga
  • Fiction
  • 1933
  • Autor: John Galsworthy
Behind the outward success of the influential prim Forsyths, representatives of the top of the English bourgeoisie, who are discreetly discussing dividends and stock prices, the madness of passion, family enmity, hopeless love and the pain of loneliness......
Number of pages: ~ 855 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 3.2/5

by Rupert Hughes
We Can't Have Everything
  • Fiction
  • 1917
  • Autor: Rupert Hughes
Very much in love with her husband, Charity Coe Cheever discovers that her husband is in love with Zada L'Etoile, a popular dancer, and so she divorces him. Jim Dyckman, who has always loved Charity since their childhood days, after finding it impossible to win Charity had married film actress Kedzie Thropp. When Jim is free but Charity is not, Jim is very disappointed, but both decide to make the best of it....
Number of pages: ~ 546 pages
Unknown rating

by Cory Doctorow
  • Fiction
  • 2009
  • Autor: Cory Doctorow
Cory Doctorow is a journalist, science fiction writer and political activist. One of the founders of, a popular portal on science, culture and politics, coordinator of the human rights organization Electronic Frontier Foundation, a regular author of many magazines and newspapers....
Number of pages: ~ 523 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.1/5