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by Randall Garrett
The Foreign Hand Tie
  • Fiction
  • 1961
  • Autor: Randall Garrett
The United States Navy cruiser Wunsocket, walking a calm path through the Mediterranean Sea, up the Aegean Sea and through the Dardanelles to the Bosphorus, stopped for the night in Istanbul, and then turned and returned. Along the way, he stopped in Gibraltar, Barcelona, Marseille, Genoa, Naples and Athens - the main friendly ports on the northern side of the Mediterranean Sea. On the way back he performed the same ritual on the African side of the sea. His most famous passengers were the US Secretary of State, two senators and three representatives....
Number of pages: ~ 25 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4 out of 5

by Harl Vincent
Wanderer of Infinity
Bert Redmond never heard of the place until he received Joan's letter. But here she is, a tiny village hiding among the hills of Ramapo in the lower state of New York, just a few miles from a Tuxedo. There was a stiff, white-painted church, a department store with the inevitable gas pump at the curb and a dozen or so ruined frame houses. It's all....
Number of pages: ~ 21 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4 out of 54 out of 5

by Allen Kim Lang
Blind Man's Lantern
  • Fiction
  • 1962
  • Autor: Allen Kim Lang
Successful colonies among stars require interstellar ships - but they also require a special kind of person. The kind you might not think to be looking ......
Number of pages: ~ 22 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 5 out of 5

To Mars via The Moon An Astronomical Story
Truly a “labor of love,” this little book that Professor Lowell kindly allowed the author to devote to him is now presented to the public with the sincere hope that reading it can serve not only a momentary rest for an hour or two, but can nourish the love for the sublime science of astronomy and at the same time provide food for thought....
Number of pages: ~ 133 pages
Amazon Rating ~ n/a

by Ellsworth Douglass
Pharaoh's Broker
  • Fiction
  • 1899
  • Autor: Ellsworth Douglass
The Chicago Tribune of June 13, 189- contained this paragraph under the heading: “There is no big broker!” “The friends of Isidor Werner, a young man known in the trade council, are very concerned that he has not been seen for several days. He made his last appearance in a pit of wheat as a tough buyer on Tuesday afternoon. On that day, he left his office at Chamber of Commerce No. 87, and since then no one has seen him, and his whereabouts are unknown....
Number of pages: ~ 110 pages
Amazon Rating ~ n/a

by Everett B. Cole
Final Weapon
  • Fiction
  • 1962
  • Autor: Everett B. Cole
District leader Howard Morley leaned back in his chair to look at the bay. He lazily looked at the expanse of water between two inexpressive patches of land, then looked back at the skeleton-like spire that protrudes upward from the green hills that he just crossed. He remembered the time when this ruin was a pillar for one of the greatest bridges in the world....
Number of pages: ~ 36 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 5 out of 5

by Ross Rocklynne
Sorry: Wrong Dimension
  • Fiction
  • 1954
  • Autor: Ross Rocklynne
Very nice and short. And I like the way women are portrayed: within the framework of their roles of that time, but at the same time as real people with brains and courage (well, in any case, one of them)....
Number of pages: ~ 11 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.3 out of 5

by Gerald Vance
Equation of Doom
They put Ramsay’s ship on a hostile planet, hoping that he would die of starvation, so the first thing he did was give most of his money and lose all other gambling. Then he had a fight with the chief of police and joined forces with a half-naked chick of a dream, who seemed to be prone to self-destruction. The stakes were big - a planet or two - but it all worked out......
Number of pages: ~ 35 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4 out of 5

by Nathaniel Gordon
The Golden Judge
  • Fiction
  • 1955
  • Autor: Nathaniel Gordon
The proposal, while very intriguing, is about how to solve problems that require saving faces among nations!...
Number of pages: ~ 15 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.1 out of 5

by Frederick Orlin Tremaine
Wanted—7 Fearless Engineers!
  • Fiction
  • 1939
  • Autor: Frederick Orlin Tremaine
The fate of a great civilization lay in the hands of Dick Barrow when he brought his brave fellow engineers to a strange and unknown country. None of them knew what lay ahead — what dangers awaited them — or what rewards. But they did not hesitate, because the first question they were asked was: “Are you a brave man?”...
Number of pages: ~ 38 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.3 out of 5