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by Philip K. Dick
Beyond Lies the Wub
  • Fiction
  • 1952
  • Autor: Philip K. Dick
Lacking food and provisions, a team of earthlings takes from Mars a large batch of animals. Among them there is an animal, nicknamed the local natives Wub. Wub is a bit like a pig, and the captain of the ship Franco suggests immediately tasting the meat of this beast. But the fact is that the Wub itself doesn’t really want to be eaten, which Franco reports right there ......
Number of pages: ~ 11 pages
Unknown rating

by Collins, A. Frederick
The Radio Amateur's Hand Book
  • Science
  • 1923
  • Autor: Collins, A. Frederick
The Radio Amateur Handbook is a complete, authentic and informative work by A. (Archie) Frederick Collins on wireless telegraphy and telephony....
Number of pages: ~ 127 pages
Unknown rating

by Henry Ernest Dudeney
Amusements in Mathematics
  • Science
  • 1917
  • Autor: Henry Ernest Dudeney
Entertaining mathematics is one of the most beloved by readers of the genres of popular literature. Solving its non-standard peculiar tasks, people experience the joy of joining creative thinking, intuitively feel the beauty and greatness of mathematics, they realize the absurdity of the widespread, but nevertheless deeply erroneous idea of ​​it as something dull and frozen (“Is it in mathematics isn't everything open yet? ”), they begin to understand why mathematicians, speaking about their science, often resort to aesthetic categories (“ elegant result ”,“ beautiful proof ”). At the same...
Number of pages: ~ 296 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 3.5

by Margery Williams Bianco
The Velveteen Rabbit
Every toy dreams of becoming real. But this does not happen by magic. If you want to become real, you need to be truly loved. This is where the magic begins ......
Number of pages: ~ 16 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.6

by George H. Smith
The Last Days of L.A.
Murder on a small scale may be illegal and unpleasant, but mass murder can be the most exhilarating thing in the world!...
Number of pages: ~ 26 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.2/5

by James Peller Malcolm
The Art of Caricaturing
  • Сlassic
  • 1813
  • Autor: James Peller Malcolm
This book was originally published prior to 1923, and represents a reproduction of an important historical work, maintaining the same format as the original work. While some publishers have opted to apply OCR (optical character recognition) technology to the process, we believe this leads to sub-optimal results (frequent typographical errors, strange characters and confusing formatting) and does not adequately preserve the historical character of the original artifact. We believe this work is culturally important in its original archival form. While we strive to adequately clean and digitally...
Number of pages: ~ 234 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.2/5

by Zora Neale Hurston
Their Eyes Were Watching God
  • Сlassic
  • 2000
  • Autor: Zora Neale Hurston
One of the most important works of twentieth-century American literature, Zora Neale Hurston's beloved 1937 classic, Their Eyes Were Watching God, is an enduring Southern love story sparkling with wit, beauty, and heartfelt wisdom. Told in the captivating voice of a woman who refuses to live in sorrow, bitterness, fear, or foolish romantic dreams, it is the story of fair-skinned, fiercely independent Janie Crawford, and her evolving selfhood through three marriages and a life marked by poverty, trials, and purpose. A true literary wonder, Hurston's masterwork remains as relevant and affecting...
Number of pages: ~ 232 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.2/5

by J.D. Salinger
Catcher in the Rye
Anyone who has read J.D. Salinger's New Yorker stories ? particularly A Perfect Day for Bananafish, Uncle Wiggily in Connecticut, The Laughing Man, and For Esme ? With Love and Squalor, will not be surprised by the fact that his first novel is fully of children. The hero-narrator of THE CATCHER IN THE RYE is an ancient child of sixteen, a native New Yorker named Holden Caulfield. Through circumstances that tend to preclude adult, secondhand description, he leaves his prep school in Pennsylvania and goes underground in New York City for three days. The boy himself is at once too simple and too...
Number of pages: ~ 240 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.2/5

The Hunting of the Snark: An Agony in Eight Fits
Lucy Carroll's literary masterpiece "The Snark Hunt", in which more than a hundred years remained in the shadow of two "Alice", and modern writer's opinion was about him as a "delusional and harmless flight of fantasy." Current researchers of creativity believe that "The Snark Hunt" is not only a great triumph, but also the central work of classical English nonsense poetry. In this edition, in addition to "The Hunt for the Snark" in the best translation of G. Kruzhkov, presents the stories of Carroll, as well as a collection of articles and messages entitled "Food for the mind."...
Number of pages: ~ 148 pages
Amazon Rating ~ ?/5

by Jane Austen
Mansfield Park
The novel "Mansfield Park" belongs to the mature period of creativity of the famous English writers Jane Austen, the authors of such elegant and flashing novels as "Pride and Warning", "Reason of Reason", "Emma", "Northanger Abbey". In it, Austin is artfully depicted with brilliance and her amazing irony. In the estate "Mansfield Park", where they take on the upbringing of Fanny Price, there is a general disagreement and misunderstanding. Greed and selfishness drives people’s actions here. However, thanks to the kindness, selflessness and perseverance Fanny manages to overcome all the...
Number of pages: ~ 363 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.0/5