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by Aldous Huxley
The Devils of Loudun
  • History
  • 1952
  • Autor: Aldous Huxley
The Devils of Loudun is a 1952 non-fiction novel by Aldous Huxley. It is a historical narrative of supposed demonic possession, religious fanaticism, sexual repression, and mass hysteria that occurred in seventeenth-century France surrounding unexplained events that took place in the small town of Loudun. It centers on Roman Catholic priest Urbain Grandier and an entire convent of Ursuline nuns, who allegedly became possessed by demons after Grandier made a pact with Satan. The events led to several public exorcisms as well as executions by burning....
Number of pages: ~ 294 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.4/5

The King of Elfland's Daughter
The lord of Erl is told by the parliament of his people that they want to be ruled by a magic lord. Obeying the immemorial custom, the lord sends his son Alveric to fetch the King of Elfland's daughter, Lirazel, to be his bride. He makes his way to Elfland, where time passes at a rate far slower than the real world, and wins her. They return to Erl and have a son, but in the manner of fairy brides of folklore, she fits uneasily with his people. She returns to the waiting arms of her father in Elfland, and her lovesick husband goes searching for her, abandoning the kingdom of Erl and wandering...
Number of pages: ~ 97 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.8/5

by Smedley Butler
War Is a Racket
A classic anti-war pamphlet, and a quick but fascinating read. The retired United States Marines major general, one of the most distinguished American soldiers of his era, came to see war as little more than a sinister money-making enterprise: that is, a racket: "Only a small 'inside' group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes."...
Number of pages: ~ 13 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.6/5

by Hans Christian Andersen
The Nightingale
  • Fiction
  • 1930
  • Autor: Hans Christian Andersen
“I will sing to you of those who are happy, and those who suffer; of the good and the evil, who are hidden around you. The little singing bird flies far from you and your court to the home of the fisherman and the peasant’s cot. I love your heart better than your crown; and yet something holy lingers round that also. I will come, I will sing to you.” (from The Nightingale)...
Number of pages: ~ 6 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.8/5

by Virginia Woolf
Orlando: A Biography
Come, come! I'm sick to death of this particular self. I want another." As his tale begins, Orlando is a passionate sixteen-year-old nobleman whose days are spent in rowdy revelry, filled with the colorful delights of Queen Elizabeth I's court. By the close, three centuries have passed, and he will have transformed into a thirty-six-year-old woman in the year 1928. Orlando's journey is also an internal one-he is an impulsive poet who learns patience in matter of the heart, and a woman who knows what it is to be a man. Virginia Woolf's most unusual creation, Orlando is a fantastical...
Number of pages: ~ 129 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.3/5

by C. S. Lewis
A Grief Observed
C.S. Lewis joined the human race when his wife, Joy Gresham, died of cancer. Lewis, the Oxford don whose Christian apologetics make it seem like he's got an answer for everything, experienced crushing doubt for the first time after his wife's tragic death. A Grief Observed contains his epigrammatic reflections on that period: "Your bid--for God or no God, for a good God or the Cosmic Sadist, for eternal life or nonentity--will not be serious if nothing much is staked on it. And you will never discover how serious it was until the stakes are raised horribly high," Lewis writes. "Nothing will...
Number of pages: ~ 55 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.7/5

Till we have Faces - A Myth Retold
A retelling of Cupid and Psyche, based on its telling in a chapter of The Golden Ass of Apuleius. This story had haunted Lewis all his life, because he realized that some of the main characters' actions were illogical. As a consequence, his retelling of the story is characterized by a highly developed character, the narrator, with the reader being drawn into her reasoning and her emotions. The first part of the book is written from the perspective of Psyche's older sister Orual, as an accusation against the gods. The story is set in the fictive kingdom of Glome, a primitive city-state whose...
Number of pages: ~ 368 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.7/5

by Milne, A. A.
Milne is most famous for his two Pooh books about a boy named Christopher Robin after his son, Christopher Robin Milne, and various characters inspired by his son's stuffed animals, most notably the bear named Winnie-the-Pooh. Christopher Robin Milne's stuffed bear, originally named "Edward", was renamed "Winnie-the-Pooh" after a Canadian black bear named Winnie (after Winnipeg), which was used as a military mascot in World War I, and left to London Zoo during the war. "The pooh" comes from a swan called "Pooh". E. H. Shepard illustrated the original Pooh books, using his own son's teddy,...
Number of pages: ~ 72 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.8/5

by Dorothy Leigh Sayers
Murder Must Advertise
  • Thriller
  • 1933
  • Autor: Dorothy Leigh Sayers
When executive Victor Dean dies from a fall down the iron staircase at Pym's Publicity, a posh London ad agency, Lord Peter Wimsey goes undercover to investigate. Before his tragic demise, the victim had tried to warn Mr. Pym, the firm's owner, about some scandalous behavior involving his employees. Posing as a new copywriter, Wimsey discovers that Dean was part of an unsavory crowd at Pym's whose recreational habits link them to the criminal underworld. With time running out and the body count rising, Wimsey must rush to find the truth before his identity is discovered and a determined...
Number of pages: ~ 233 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.3/5

by C S Lewis
The Abolition of Man
The Abolition of Man is a 1943 book by C. S. Lewis. It is subtitled "Reflections on education with special reference to the teaching of English in the upper forms of schools," and uses that as a starting point for a defense of objective value and natural law, and a warning of the consequences of doing away with or "debunking" those things. It defends science as something worth pursuing but criticizes using it to debunk values—the value of science itself being among them—or defining it to exclude such values. The book was first delivered as a series of three evening lectures at King's College,...
Number of pages: ~ 60 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.6/5