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by Robert W. Haseltine
Prelude to Space
  • Fiction
  • 1954
  • Autor: Robert W. Haseltine
You will definitely be included in the survey at one time or another. However, there is one that you may not recognize as such. Most likely, it will be more important than you think. It can be mans... Prelude to Space...
Number of pages: ~ 10 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 3 out of 5

by Charles V. De Vet
Monkey On His Back
  • Fiction
  • 1960
  • Autor: Charles V. De Vet
He walked endlessly along a long corridor with glass walls. Bright sunlight penetrated through one wall onto a blue backpack over his shoulders. What he was and what he did here was overshadowed. Truth lurked in some corner of his consciousness, but this was not achieved by superficial awareness....
Number of pages: ~ 19 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4 out of 5

by Everett B. Cole
Alarm Clock
  • Fiction
  • 1960
  • Autor: Everett B. Cole
The most useful explosives, such as ammonium nitrate, are extremely powerful ... as soon as they fire. But they seem to remain inert when they are beaten, burned, punished in different ways - until the necessary shock occurs ......
Number of pages: ~ 29 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 3.7 out of 5

by Bryce Walton
Has Anyone Here Seen Kelly?
The reservoirs for the body had to be replenished, and the ship had to be serviced - and the crew had a dream about the Lotus in his bed from protoplasm. But Kelly knew how to awaken them ......
Number of pages: ~ 13 pages
Amazon Rating ~ Bryce Walton

by Robert Sheckley
  • Fiction
  • 1959
  • Autor: Robert Sheckley
Charles Denison invented the most effective elixir of longevity, and now all of humanity should know about its greatest discovery. But some people do not agree with this state of affairs and want to prevent Denison ......
Number of pages: ~ 14 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 2.7 out of 5

by Tom Godwin
The Helpful Hand
the helpful hand of god ... can really be very helpful. But, of course, it has long been known that God helps those who wisely help themselves ......
Number of pages: ~ 21 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 3.6 out of 5

by Ben Bova
The Next Logical Step
Usually the military least wants others to know the final details of their military plans. But, logically, there would be times......
Number of pages: ~ 10 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 3.7 out of 5

by Randall Garrett
The Asses of Balaam
  • Fiction
  • 1961
  • Autor: Randall Garrett
A distinctive feature of the ass of Balaam was that he was more penetrating than his master. Sometimes a child is more perceptive - because he is more straightforward and logical - than an adult .......
Number of pages: ~ 20 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 2.1 out of 5

by William F. Nolan
Of Time and Texas
  • Fiction
  • 1956
  • Autor: William F. Nolan
For twenty-eight years, William Nolan, another newcomer in this field, introduces us to the capricious door of the time of Professor S. Sidwick Ohm, guaranteed to solve the accumulated problems of the world in 2057....
Number of pages: ~ 8 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 3 out of 5

by E. G. Von Wald
Shock Absorber
  • Fiction
  • 1955
  • Autor: E. G. Von Wald
A person acts on the basis of what he considers facts, not facts. He lives or dies from the fact that there are facts. Now sometimes you don’t have time to correct a person’s beliefs, but he must act correctly ......
Number of pages: ~ 19 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 1 out of 5