"Faking with Benefits" is a contemporary romance novel by Nadia Lee, published in 2021. The story follows Sabrina, a successful marketing executive who is desperate to keep her job after a merger leaves her position in jeopardy. In a moment of desperation, she decides to fake an engagement with her coworker and longtime friend, Max, in order to improve her image at work.
As Sabrina and Max navigate their fake engagement, they begin to realize that their feelings for each other may be more than just pretend. The story is filled with witty banter and sizzling chemistry as the two try to keep up appearances while also exploring their newfound attraction.
However, complications arise when Max's ex-girlfriend comes back into the picture, stirring up old feelings and causing tension between Sabrina and Max. As their relationship becomes more complicated, Sabrina must decide whether to continue the charade or risk her job and her heart for a chance at true love.
Overall, "Faking with Benefits" is a fun and engaging romance novel that explores the complexities of love and relationships. The characters are likable and relatable, and the story is filled with both humor and heart. Nadia Lee's writing is both charming and steamy, making this a great read for fans of the genre.
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Book brief summary
"Faking with Benefits" is a contemporary romance novel by Nadia Lee, published in 2021. The story follows Sabrina, a successful marketing executive who is desperate to keep her job after a merger leaves her position in jeopardy. In a moment of desperation, she decides to fake an engagement with her coworker and longtime friend, Max, in order to improve her image at work.
As Sabrina and Max navigate their fake engagement, they begin to realize that their feelings for each other may be more than just pretend. The story is filled with witty banter and sizzling chemistry as the two try to keep up appearances while also exploring their newfound attraction.
However, complications arise when Max's ex-girlfriend comes back into the picture, stirring up old feelings and causing tension between Sabrina and Max. As their relationship becomes more complicated, Sabrina must decide whether to continue the charade or risk her job and her heart for a chance at true love.
Overall, "Faking with Benefits" is a fun and engaging romance novel that explores the complexities of love and relationships. The characters are likable and relatable, and the story is filled with both humor and heart. Nadia Lee's writing is both charming and steamy, making this a great read for fans of the genre.
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