"The Last Orphan" is a thriller novel by Gregg Hurwitz, published in 2021. The story revolves around a young boy named Nathan, who is the last surviving member of a secret government program known as Orphan X. This program trained children to become lethal assassins, and Nathan is now on the run from the people who created him.
As Nathan tries to evade his pursuers and discover the truth about his past, he crosses paths with a woman named Lauren, who has her own secrets and hidden agenda. Together, they must navigate a dangerous web of lies and deception to uncover the shocking truth about Orphan X and the people who will stop at nothing to keep their secrets buried.
As the plot unfolds, Nathan and Lauren face numerous obstacles and challenges, including deadly assassins, high-tech surveillance, and a shadowy government agency with unlimited resources. The story builds to a thrilling climax as Nathan confronts his past and battles for his survival, with the fate of the world hanging in the balance.
Overall, "The Last Orphan" is a fast-paced and action-packed thriller that will keep readers on the edge of their seats until the very end. Hurwitz's expert storytelling and well-drawn characters make for a compelling and gripping read.
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Book brief summary
"The Last Orphan" is a thriller novel by Gregg Hurwitz, published in 2021. The story revolves around a young boy named Nathan, who is the last surviving member of a secret government program known as Orphan X. This program trained children to become lethal assassins, and Nathan is now on the run from the people who created him.
As Nathan tries to evade his pursuers and discover the truth about his past, he crosses paths with a woman named Lauren, who has her own secrets and hidden agenda. Together, they must navigate a dangerous web of lies and deception to uncover the shocking truth about Orphan X and the people who will stop at nothing to keep their secrets buried.
As the plot unfolds, Nathan and Lauren face numerous obstacles and challenges, including deadly assassins, high-tech surveillance, and a shadowy government agency with unlimited resources. The story builds to a thrilling climax as Nathan confronts his past and battles for his survival, with the fate of the world hanging in the balance.
Overall, "The Last Orphan" is a fast-paced and action-packed thriller that will keep readers on the edge of their seats until the very end. Hurwitz's expert storytelling and well-drawn characters make for a compelling and gripping read.
Book The Last Orphan (by Gregg Hurwitz)
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