by John Green
Looking for Alaska
NOW A HULU ORIGINAL SERIES! The award-winning, genre-defining debut from John Green, the #1 bestselling author of Turtles All the Way Down and The Fault in Our Stars Winner of the Michael L. Printz Award • A Los Angeles Times Book Prize Finalist • A New York Times Bestseller • A USA Today Bestseller • NPR’s Top Ten Best-Ever Teen Novels • TIME magazine’s 100 Best Young Adult Novels of All Time • A PBS Great American Read Selection • Millions of copies sold! First drink. First prank. First friend. First love. Last words. Miles Halter is fascinated by famous last words—and tired of his...
Number of pages: ~ 221 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.6/5

by Rupi Kaur
Milk and Honey
“Rupi Kaur is the Writer of the Decade.” – The New Republic #1 New York Times bestseller milk and honey is a collection of poetry and prose about survival. About the experience of violence, abuse, love, loss, and femininity. The book is divided into four chapters, and each chapter serves a different purpose. Deals with a different pain. Heals a different heartache. milk and honey takes readers through a journey of the most bitter moments in life and finds sweetness in them because there is sweetness everywhere if you are just willing to look....
Number of pages: ~ 208 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.6/5

by Nicholas Sparks
Three Weeks with My Brother
In this New York Times bestseller, follow the author of The Notebook as he travels the world with his brother learning about faith, loss, connection, and hope. As moving as his bestselling works of fiction, Nicholas Sparks's unique memoir, written with his brother, chronicles the life-affirming journey of two brothers bound by memories, both humorous and tragic. In January 2003, Nicholas Sparks and his brother, Micah, set off on a three-week trip around the globe. It was to mark a milestone in their lives, for at thirty-seven and thirty-eight respectively, they were now the only surviving...
Number of pages: ~ 368 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.6/5

by Arnold Henry Savage Landor
In the Forbidden Land
  • Adventure
  • 1898
  • Autor: Arnold Henry Savage Landor
The book of the English traveler and artist A. Henry Savage Land tells about his journey to the Kailash region and a visit to the origins of the Brahmaputra. This work is a valuable repository of information about southern Tibet and its people. During this incredibly difficult journey undertaken 120 years ago, full of hardships and dangers, Lendor was held captive, he was tortured and miraculously survived......
Number of pages: ~ 1108 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 3.7/5

by Ernest Henry Shackleton
  • Adventure
  • 1909
  • Autor: Ernest Henry Shackleton
After the conquest of the South Pole by Amundsen, and, with the difference in a few days, by the British expedition of Scott, in Antarctica there was only one big goal for travel - crossing the continent from sea to sea....
Number of pages: ~ 362 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.3/5

Sketches and Studies in Italy and Greece, Complete
  • Adventure
  • 1914
  • Autor: John Addington Symonds
In 1877, Symonds began to have severe pulmonary hemorrhage, and since 1880 he began to live in a mountain resort in Davos in Switzerland, choosing a climate that is useful for treating tuberculosis. Here he created his most famous work, glorifying it in the 19th century. This was a seven-volume study in the field of culture and aesthetics called “Renaissance in Italy”. He also wrote studies of the poetry of Shelley (1879), Ben Johnson (1886), Michelangelo (1893), and Walt Whitman (1893), with whom he corresponded. He also published the first English translation of Sonnets by Michelangelo...
Number of pages: ~ 850 pages
Unknown rating

by Norman Douglas
Old Calabria by Norman Douglas
The fame of Douglas was brought by the satirical novel South Wind (1917), whose theme was suggested to the author by Joseph Conrad and who was highly appreciated, among others, by Vladimir Nabokov. Graham Greene wrote that his generation grew up on South Wind, but Douglas himself placed his book of notes on travels in Greece, Austria, Italy, North Africa, India and others above all, which, among other things, opened the Italian South to several generations of Englishmen....
Number of pages: ~ 454 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 3.8/5

by Cyrus Townsend Brady
Sea Stories
A collection of nautical stories revealing some of the extraordinary difficulties faced by seamen during their days of sailing....
Number of pages: ~ 318 pages
Unknown rating

by Daniel Defoe
The King of Pirates
After the success of Robinson Crusoe, Daniel Defoe wrote another story about adventures at sea. The result was this lesser-known work, which is a first-person account of pirate life. In response to a letter accusing him of the worst possible act, Captain Avery writes the answer, trying to justify himself. He considers it appropriate to provide a full account of the life of the captain of a pirate ship. And his letters show that he is just a romantic con man....
Number of pages: ~ 74 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 3/5

by Honoré de Balzac
A Passion in the Desert
1798 year. Napoleon's Egyptian campaign failed. His doomed army crosses the Sahara, repelling the attacks of the Mameluke warriors. The young French officer Augustin Robert fearlessly fights the enemy, believing in his salvation. But the Sahara completes destruction by overthrowing the surviving soldiers beyond reality. Being at that moment in a semi-unconscious state, Augustin escaping from his pursuers meets with a leopard. It was supposed to be a meeting with death....
Number of pages: ~ 22 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 3.6/5