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Feel the fear but do it anyway
Dynamic and inspirational, FEEL THE FEAR AND DO IT ANYWAY is filled with concrete techniques to turn passivity into assertiveness. Dr. Susan Jeffers, teaches you how to stop negative thinking patterns and reeducate your mind to think more positively. You will learn: the vital 10-Step Positive Thinking Process; how to risk a little every day; how to turn every decision into a "No-Lose" situation, and much more....
Number of pages: ~ 240 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.6/5

The Guide to Academic Success
From Here to University examines factors leading to successful college preparation and academic mobility for historically underrepresented, low-income, inner-city youth. Alexander Jun analyzes theories of social and cultural capital, as well as the effects of incorporating family and community involvement on college preparation. The text proposes a framework of college preparation factors that requires a comprehensive and culturally responsive approach, affirming local identities and incorporating active participation of families to ensure long-term success. The book concludes with...
Number of pages: ~ 160 pages
Amazon Rating ~ ???

I Will Teach You To Be Rich
"I Will Teach You To Be Rich" by Ramit Sethi is a personal finance book that offers a six-week program for managing money and building wealth. Sethi presents a practical and no-nonsense approach to personal finance, focusing on optimizing spending, investing for the future, and automating finances for long-term success. The book provides actionable advice and strategies for readers to take control of their finances and achieve their financial goals....
Number of pages: ~ 219 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.7/5

by Patrick M. Lencioni
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team
  • Business
  • 2011
  • Autor: Patrick M. Lencioni
The New York Times best-selling team leadership handbook for modern executives, managers, and organizations After her first two weeks observing the problems at DecisionTech, Kathryn Petersen, its new CEO, had more than a few moments when she wondered if she should have taken the job. But Kathryn knew there was little chance she would have turned it down. After all, retirement had made her antsy, and nothing excited her more than a challenge. What she could not have known when she accepted the job, however, was just how dysfunctional her team was, and how team members would challenge her in...
Number of pages: ~ 242 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.6/5

by Malcolm Gladwell
The Tipping Point
Enjoy a great reading experience when you buy the Kindle edition of this book. From the bestselling author of The Bomber Mafia: discover Malcolm Gladwell's breakthrough debut and explore the science behind viral trends in business, marketing, and human behavior. The tipping point is that magic moment when an idea, trend, or social behavior crosses a threshold, tips, and spreads like wildfire. Just as a single sick person can start an epidemic of the flu, so too can a small but precisely targeted push cause a fashion trend, the popularity of a new product, or a drop in the crime rate. This...
Number of pages: ~ 298 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.5/5

How to Win Friends and Influence People
The most famous confidence-boosting book ever published; with sales of over 16 million copies worldwide Millions of people around the world have improved their lives based on the teachings of Dale Carnegie. In How to Win Friends and Influence People, he offers practical advice and techniques, in his exuberant and conversational style, for how to get out of a mental rut and make life more rewarding. His advice has stood the test of time and will teach you how to: - make friends quickly and easily - increase your popularity - persuade people to follow your way of thinking - enable you to win...
Number of pages: ~ 285 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.6/5

by Napoleon Hill
The Law of Success
Enjoy a great reading experience with the Kindle edition of this book. Originally published in 1928, this is the book that began Napoleon Hill's self-help odyssey. Hill queried dozens of people about the keys to their prosperity and organized his findings into 16 principles. Each principle marks a chapter of this book, forming a methodology for employing untapped 'mind-power' that leads to success. Hill was well known for researching what made millionaires different from the common man. The sixteen lessons in this book perfectly crystallize everything you will need to know to succeed during...
Number of pages: ~ 650 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.5/5

The Subtle Art of not Giving a F*ck
"The Subtle Art of not Giving a Fck" is a self-help book written by Mark Manson. It challenges the traditional self-help approach of positive thinking and encourages readers to embrace the struggles and hardships in life rather than trying to avoid or suppress them. The book explores the idea of taking responsibility for one's own problems and using them as opportunities for personal growth and development. Manson emphasizes the importance of prioritizing values and beliefs, and learning to say "no" to things that don't align with them. He also advocates for living a more authentic and honest...
Number of pages: ~ 224 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.6/5

Business Communication: In Person, In Print, Online
"Business Communication: In Person, In Print, Online" is a comprehensive guide to effective communication in a professional setting. Written by Amy Newman and Scot Ober, the book covers all aspects of business communication, including verbal, written, and digital communication. The book is divided into three parts, each of which focuses on a different mode of communication. Part One covers in-person communication, including topics such as active listening, nonverbal communication, and public speaking. Part Two covers written communication, including email, memos, reports, and other business...
Number of pages: ~ 560 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.9/5

by Jocko Willink
Discipline Equals Freedom
"Discipline Equals Freedom" is a unique and refreshing book that challenges readers to rethink their understanding of discipline and its role in achieving success. The book, written by former Navy SEAL and fitness guru Jocko Willink, argues that discipline is not a restrictive force but rather a liberating one that provides the foundation for personal growth and achievement. Willink presents a holistic approach to discipline that encompasses physical fitness, mental resilience, and spiritual well-being. He shares his personal experiences as a Navy SEAL and his insights into the mindset and...
Number of pages: ~ 192 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.9/5