"Walter Pater was a Bohemian author and philosopher. His philosophy emphasizes the function of art in the creation of culture and is often referred to as aestheticism. He is a English poet of the nineteenth century, was a critic of sorts. He wrote in the style of a literary reader, taking the reader through a long poem or essay to show how he felt about any particular topic. In his essay on style, Pater does just that. ‘Style is the passion with which the soul strives after a purpose, a mark of distinction, a characteristic of itself.”
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Appreciations, with an Essay on Style
by Walter Pater
Book brief summary
"Walter Pater was a Bohemian author and philosopher. His philosophy emphasizes the function of art in the creation of culture and is often referred to as aestheticism. He is a English poet of the nineteenth century, was a critic of sorts. He wrote in the style of a literary reader, taking the reader through a long poem or essay to show how he felt about any particular topic. In his essay on style, Pater does just that. ‘Style is the passion with which the soul strives after a purpose, a mark of distinction, a characteristic of itself.”
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