by Rudyard Kipling
The Seven Seas
In the work of this greatest of English poets of the late XIX century, poetry collections occupy a special place, it was they who brought the author worldwide fame (and at the same time the Nobel Prize in Literature for 1907). To this day, they remain an unsurpassed example of poetic creativity....
Number of pages: ~ 131 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.8/5

by G. K. Chesterton
“A series of reckless, but sincere articles,” as Chesterton defined “Heretics” in “Orthodoxy” (by the way, this most famous treatise was written in response to the accusation that even Chesterton criticizes different philosophies in “Heretics”, but does not give his own) . A collection of Chesterton's essays on people whom he considered modern heretics. The book is directed against the most dangerous ideas of our time. By the way, "Heretics" is the first of the famous Chesterton's apologetic treatises....
Number of pages: ~ 160 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.6/5

The Sayings of Confucius
The name of this philosopher is familiar to everyone. Confucius is the most famous Chinese. The teachings of the ancient thinker laid the foundation of state ideology. It has influenced the life of East Asia. Confucianism for a long time in China was not inferior in importance to Buddhism. Although religion is not addressed in the philosophy of Confucianism, the name Confucius was inscribed in the religious pantheon. Confucius is an innovator in the idea of ​​building a moral, complete harmony of society. Following the rules of philosophy, a person will be in harmony with himself and the...
Number of pages: ~ 86 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 3.9/5

by G. K. Chesterton
Tremendous Trifles
An English prose writer, poet, essayist, social thinker and Christian apologist, a renowned master of paradoxes and author of detective novels that have become classics of the genre, Gilbert Keith Chesterton was born in London in the family of the owner of a real estate agency Edward Chesterton. After graduating from St. Paul's London School in 1892, he studied art for some time at Slade's renowned art school, and also attended literary courses at University College London. For five years, Chesterton worked as an editor at T. Fischer Anvin’s publishing house, and since 1899, collaborated in...
Number of pages: ~ 170 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.3/5

by William Golding
Lord of the Flies
Lord of the Flies is a 1954 novel by Nobel Prize–winning British author William Golding. The book focuses on a group of British boys stranded on an uninhabited island and their disastrous attempt to govern themselves. Themes include the tension between groupthink and individuality, between rational and emotional reactions, and between morality and immorality. The novel has been generally well received. It was named in the Modern Library 100 Best Novels, reaching number 41 on the editor's list, and 25 on the reader's list. In 2003 it was listed at number 70 on the BBC's The Big Read poll, and...
Number of pages: ~ 189 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.8/5

by Molière
"Amphitryon" (1668) is a comedy play by the famous French comedian Jean-Baptiste Moliere. The king of the gods, Jupiter, inflamed with passion for Alkmena, the wife of Thebes commander Amphitrion, and, while he leads his troops to Boeotia, sends Mercury to Night so that she hides Jupiter's love joy under her cover......
Number of pages: ~ 153 pages
Unknown rating

by Israel Zangwill
Without Prejudice
Israel Zangwill is an English writer and activist in the Jewish movement. The author of the famous phrase in relation to the USA is “Melting Pot”. The son of emigrants from the Polish Kingdom of the Russian Empire. He studied at the Jewish Free College in London....
Number of pages: ~ 402 pages
Unknown rating

by Adam Mickiewicz
Sonnets from the Crimea
“Sonnets from the Crimea” by Adam Mickiewicz with his picturesqueness match the majestic beauty of the Crimean nature. Polish poet made a trip to the Crimea in 1825. The result of this trip was a cycle of eighteen sonnets. And although the Crimean theme was already sovereign in Russian poetry, yet “Sonnets from the Crimea" became the first vivid cycle of poems about Crimea....
Number of pages: ~ 33 pages
Unknown rating

Tristan and Isolda: Opera in Three Acts
The legend of Tristan and Isolde is of Celtic origin. Its origins were probably located in Ireland, but it was widely known in all countries of medieval Europe, living in many literary works, the earliest of which dates back to the 12th century. The main idea of ​​the legend is the victory of love over death. The story tells about the love of the knight Tristan and the wife of the Cornish king the beautiful Isolde. The great German composer, a reformer of opera music, who created the direction of “musical drama” and had a profound influence on European modernism and decadence, Richard Wagner...
Number of pages: ~ 81 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 3.4/5

by William Shakespeare
  • Сlassic
  • 1606
  • Autor: William Shakespeare
The tragedy "Macbeth", like many of Shakespeare’s dramatic works, was created on the basis of the legend of the tyrant king, the image of which the author so masterfully embodied. However, researchers of Shakespeare and historians have come to the conclusion that the pathos and plot of the work contradicts historical facts. During the reign of the Scottish King Macbeth, bard poets belonging to opposition circles created a story about a killer ruler, which served as the source for the play....
Number of pages: ~ 134 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.5/5