by Tom W. Harris
Goodbye, Dead Man!
  • Fantasy
  • 2015
  • Autor: Tom W. Harris
Mattup had killed a man, so it was logical he should be punished. It was Danny who came up with the idea of leaving him with the prophecy - Goodbye, Dead Man!...
Number of pages: ~ 10 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.4 out of 5

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
  • Fantasy
  • 1864
  • Autor: Lewis Carroll
In this book you will meet the girl Alice and get with her into the amazing, mysterious world of miracles of Lewis Carroll. The story tells how a little girl Alice jumps into a rabbit hole, where she discovers a fairy-tale world inhabited by unusual creatures....
Number of pages: ~ 28 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.2 out of 5

Alice's Adventures Under Ground
  • Fantasy
  • 1864
  • Autor: Lewis Carroll
Numerous generations of readers read and re-read Lewis Carroll's tale of a little girl who, through a rabbit hole, enters a fairy-tale world full of charming creatures. And it all began on a July afternoon in Oxford in 1862, when Charles Dodgson, a teacher of mathematics, went on a boat trip with the daughters of his college dean. To entertain the girls, he began to tell them the story of Alice, an inquisitive girl who fell into a wonderful country. The children were fascinated, and the youngest, Alice, asked Charles to write down a fairy tale for her, which he did....
Number of pages: ~ 74 pages
Unknown rating

by H. G. Wells
The War of the Worlds
The book includes the legendary novel by HG Wells "War of the Worlds", repeatedly filmed and inspiring entire generations of science fiction writers to create exciting works about the struggle of civilizations and star wars....
Number of pages: ~ 160 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.4/5

by H. G. Wells
The Time Machine "The Time Machine" is the first science fiction novel by HG Wells, describing a journey into the world of the future, in which there are two types of people: Morlocks, inhabitants of the underworld and service machines, and fragile eloy, completely unsuitable for labor. Unless, having turned into semi-animals....
Number of pages: ~ 80 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.3/5

by The Dunwich Horror
The Dunwich Horror
  • Fantasy
  • 2013
  • Autor: The Dunwich Horror
The plot of the story revolves around the family of degenerate aristocrats Whateley (Eng. Whateley) [~ 1], living in Massachusetts, in a small settlement Dunvich, located in the upper reaches of the Miskatonic River (Eng. Miskatonic). Dunvich has a very bad reputation, due to the fact that in the local mountains from time to time there is a terrible rumble from under the ground, and the nightjars behave very strangely, according to local beliefs, they are guides to the world of the dead. The Whateley family consisted of a sullen old man, rumored to be engaged in black magic and his albino...
Number of pages: ~ 60 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 3.8/5