by Arnold Marmor
Spies Die Hard!
  • Fiction
  • 1954
  • Autor: Arnold Marmor
Earth spying ring was a headache, so Mars’s security chief offered ten thousand loans to a key agent. But even for that price ......
Number of pages: ~ 9 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 1 out of 5

by Basil Wells
Second Sight
Basil Wells, who lives in Pennsylvania, writes that he did research on the age of the Kilbot before and after the 1812 war at the "locally-known water rafting site from Waterford to Pittsburgh." into this bleak future....
Number of pages: ~ 14 pages
Amazon Rating ~ n/a

by Sewell Peaslee Wright
Vampires of Space
  • Fiction
  • 1932
  • Autor: Sewell Peaslee Wright
Commander John Hanson talks about his heartbreaking adventure with the Chosen of Space...
Number of pages: ~ 20 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 3.5 out of 5

by Edmond Hamilton
The Stars, My Brothers
  • Fiction
  • 1962
  • Autor: Edmond Hamilton
One of the first astronauts turned out to be a frozen space vacuum after a disaster near the moon. A century later, members of the Party of Humanity on a planet where people are not the dominant race are trying to bring it back to life and try to use it for their own purposes....
Number of pages: ~ 30 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.4 out of 5

by James H. Schmitz
The Star Hyacinths
  • Fiction
  • 1961
  • Autor: James H. Schmitz
A large man in a neatly patched ship's uniform, sitting on a rocky ledge, looked thoughtfully down, where at the foot of the mountain the skeletons of two crashed spaceships rested side by side. Next to the man was a massive bow leaning against a rock, and a creature the size of a thrush, with yellow eyes and a lively disposition named Bird was spinning at his feet....
Number of pages: ~ 30 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 5 out of 5

by Mack Reynolds
Gun for Hire
  • Fiction
  • 2014
  • Autor: Mack Reynolds
Gun is an interesting weapon; of course, it can be fired, and of course it doesn't matter who fires it. Something the same can be said about weapons....
Number of pages: ~ 16 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 2.7 out of 5

The Woman Who Vowed (The Demetrian)
  • Fiction
  • 2003
  • Autor: Ellison Harding
A novel about collectivist eutopia, located in America about two hundred years in the future....
Number of pages: ~ 110 pages
Amazon Rating ~ n/a

Then I'll Come Back to You
That year was arid. It had not rained for several days, and Caleb Hunter was hiding from the heat in the shadow of the porch of a huge white house near the river. Caleb's father came to this area, tired of the bloody wars for freedom. And when he had to leave this house, he transferred with him to his son both the habit of being lazy and the love of mint....
Number of pages: ~ 330 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 5/5

by Beatrix Potter
The Tale of Johnny Town-Mouse
  • Fiction
  • 1918
  • Autor: Beatrix Potter
The Tale of Johnny Town House is a children's book written and illustrated by Beatrix Potter. The plot is based on Aesop's fable "The City Mouse and the Village Mouse." He talks about his friends in his homes. After studying the lifestyle of the other, both express a strong preference for their own. The book was critically well received....
Number of pages: ~ 28 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.8/5

by Marcel Proust
Swann's Way
  • Fiction
  • 1913
  • Autor: Marcel Proust
It was an unsuccessful autobiographical novel, very confused chronologically, with events that did not line up in the big picture. Nevertheless, the novel was conceived in order to become aware of itself, its consciousness, its psyche based on the material of personal impressions and experiences, but not in a linear construction, but according to random bursts of emotions and manifestations of memory....
Number of pages: ~ 443 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4/5