Mr. Punch's History of the Great War
This is a story about the adventures of Mr. Punch during the First World War, told by the language of witty satire. Despite the humor, the book is intended not only to preserve the memory of the bloody war, but also to look at it from the other side....
Number of pages: ~ 324 pages
Unknown rating

by Etiquette by Emily Post
Etiquette by Emily Post
The book by Emily Post “Etiquette” (a monument to American good manners) was published in its first edition in 1922. She was honestly addressed to a narrow layer of the American public. Emily Post's books were different from all previous ones. Firstly, she wrote them almost like fiction - on the examples of imaginary families, to which she gave speaking, directly phonvizinian surnames: The Eminents, The Toploftys, The Kindhearts. But the main thing - already in the first edition of the book "Etiquette" Emily Post offers a certain opportunity, purpose, seductive for the general reader: High...
Number of pages: ~ 736 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.5/5

by G. K. Chesterton
The Ballad of the White Horse
The poem is dedicated to the battle of Alfred the Great, the first Anglo-Saxon king of Britain with the pagan Danes. Chesterton sees this event as an allegory of the confrontation between civilization and barbarism, faith and unbelief, life and death. Chesterton transforms the image of a white horse, an ancient drawing on the chalk hills of Oxfordshire, into a symbol of the European Christian tradition: this silhouette has survived to this day, because generation after generation has cleared its outlines, preventing it from overgrown with turf, - so our ideas about good and evil, duty ,...
Number of pages: ~ 92 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4/5

by George Bird Grinnell
Blackfeet Indian Stories
  • History
  • 1913
  • Autor: George Bird Grinnell
Blackfoots are Native American people in the USA and Canada, named after the color of moccasins. The name comes from the Siksikans "black", and the okkati "leg, foot." According to legend, the black-footed led the migration of the western Algonquins from the valley of the Red River to the foot of the Rocky Mountains. At the end of the 18th century, they reached the South Saskatchewan River, in the 19th century they wandered from the North Saskatchewan River to the headwaters of Missouri. Among blackfoots, cults of patron spirits, “sacred bundles”, and the demiurge Napi (“Old Man”) are common....
Number of pages: ~ 144 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.3/5

by Robert J. Martin
Beyond Pandora
The ideal way to deal with a pest—any menace—is, of course, to make it useful to you.......
Number of pages: ~ 8 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 5 out of 5

The World of H.G. Wells
A natural pause appears to have come in the career of Mr. H.G. Wells. After so many years of travelling up and down through time and space, familiarizing himself with all the various parts of the solar system and presenting himself imaginatively at all the various geological epochs, from the Stone Age to the end of the world, he has for good and all domesticated himself in his own planet and point of time. This gradual process of slowing down, so to speak, had been evident from the moment of his first appearance. The most obvious fact about his romances of science, considered as a series, is...
Number of pages: ~ 50 pages
Amazon Rating ~ п/а

The Forme of Cury: A Roll of Ancient English Cookery Compiled, about A.D. 1390
Forme of Cury is an extensive collection of medieval English recipes from the 14th century. It was originally a scroll of master chef king Richard II. The manuscript is one of the most famous medieval cookbooks. This is the first English book to mention the use of olive oil, pumpkin, mustard and spices such as nutmeg and cloves in English cooking. Contains about 205 recipes....
Number of pages: ~ 158 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.1/5

Jukes-Edwards: A Study in Education and Heredity
The author wrote this book to show the two extremes of the decisions we make in life. Two people made their free choice based on life experience and education. The contrast of religions, also shown in the book, prompts reflection on philosophy....
Number of pages: ~ 71 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 3.9/5

by Arthur Dekker Savage
The Butterfly Kiss
"It has become increasingly difficult," said the psychologist carefully to the group sitting in his office, "to ignore such actions by the Sur-Malic." He gazed through an open window-wall to where the newsmen's tiny jet-copters glinted beneath a summer sun at the forest's edge. "Of course, I might have predicted it; Sy insisted upon browsing through old city ruins for relaxation, and he seemed to delight in eluding his guard escort."...
Number of pages: ~ 17 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 1 out of 5

The Invisible Government
Dan Smoot was a FBI agent for some time, as well as a conservative political activist. He left the FBI to devote more time to politics and, together with other activists, issued newsletters on communist influence in various sectors of the US government, and later his own political journal. Soon after, he wrote his first book about the members of the Council on Foreign Relations....
Number of pages: ~ 421 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.1/5