"The Black Phone" is a horror novella by Joe Hill that tells the story of a young boy named John, who is kidnapped by a sadistic serial killer known as "The Cloth Head" and taken to an isolated cabin in the woods. In the cabin, John discovers a disconnected black phone, which he realizes can receive calls from the dead.
As John tries to figure out how to escape from the cabin, he receives calls from the victims of The Cloth Head, who offer him clues and guidance on how to survive. With the help of these spectral voices, John must outsmart his captor and try to make it out alive.
Throughout the novella, Hill creates a tense and terrifying atmosphere, with vivid descriptions of the horrors that John and the other victims have endured at the hands of The Cloth Head. The black phone serves as a unique and haunting device, adding a supernatural element to the already frightening story.
Overall, "The Black Phone" is a gripping and suspenseful horror story that will keep readers on the edge of their seats. Hill's vivid writing and well-crafted characters make this novella a standout in the genre.
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The Black Phone
Book brief summary
"The Black Phone" is a horror novella by Joe Hill that tells the story of a young boy named John, who is kidnapped by a sadistic serial killer known as "The Cloth Head" and taken to an isolated cabin in the woods. In the cabin, John discovers a disconnected black phone, which he realizes can receive calls from the dead.
As John tries to figure out how to escape from the cabin, he receives calls from the victims of The Cloth Head, who offer him clues and guidance on how to survive. With the help of these spectral voices, John must outsmart his captor and try to make it out alive.
Throughout the novella, Hill creates a tense and terrifying atmosphere, with vivid descriptions of the horrors that John and the other victims have endured at the hands of The Cloth Head. The black phone serves as a unique and haunting device, adding a supernatural element to the already frightening story.
Overall, "The Black Phone" is a gripping and suspenseful horror story that will keep readers on the edge of their seats. Hill's vivid writing and well-crafted characters make this novella a standout in the genre.
Book The Black Phone (by Joe Hill)
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