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The Return of Dr. Fu-Manchu
The merciless Fu Manchi returns to London to continue his atrocities: murders, kidnappings, blackmail, bribery - the brilliant villain does not stop at nothing in achieving his goals. The fate of the whole world is again in the hands of the secret British agent Nyland Smith....
Number of pages: ~ 130 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.2 out of 5

by Oscar Wilde
Ballad of Reading Gaol
Oscar Wilde writes this poem after serving a two-year sentence in a hard labor prison in Reading (Berkshire) (1895-1897). The plot of the ballad is based on real events: the execution of one of the prisoners - cavalry guard Charles Thomas Woolridge (c. 1866 - July 7, 1896), who was sentenced to death for the murder of his wife’s jealousy. The execution made a deep impression on the prisoner Wilde. Motives of love, deep feelings are combined with ardent compassion for the misfortune of a person....
Number of pages: ~ 11 pages
Unknown rating

by Edgar Allan Poe
The Masque of the Red Death
  • Mystery
  • 1842
  • Autor: Edgar Allan Poe
Prince Prospero with a thousand close associates during an epidemic hides in a closed monastery, leaving his subjects to the mercy of fate. The monastery is secured and isolated to everyone, so they can not be afraid of infection. The masquerade ball arranged by the prince is so magnificent that the Red Death itself comes to participate ......
Number of pages: ~ 7 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 3 out of 5

by Beatrix Potter
The Tale of Peter Rabbit
Peter, the mischievous little rabbit, climbed into Mr. McGregor's garden to enjoy salad, radish, parsley. But just how can Peter get out? Where is the gate - he forgot, and the angry owner began to chase after Peter around the garden!...
Number of pages: ~ 11 pages
Unknown rating

by Oscar Wilde
The Canterville Ghost
In the ancient English castle of Canterville lives a real English ghost. It scares the inhabitants of the castle at night - the venerable Otis family. In the arsenal of ghosts, there are petty pranks, and quite terrible horror stories. But no one in the castle for some reason believes in mysterious ghosts ... What a disrespect for traditions! The Canterville Ghost is ready for the most decisive action. But it turned out that angels were also among these unpardonable Americans: a sweet, brave girl who is not without compassion....
Number of pages: ~ 25 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.4 out of 5

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
  • Fantasy
  • 1864
  • Autor: Lewis Carroll
In this book you will meet the girl Alice and get with her into the amazing, mysterious world of miracles of Lewis Carroll. The story tells how a little girl Alice jumps into a rabbit hole, where she discovers a fairy-tale world inhabited by unusual creatures....
Number of pages: ~ 28 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.2 out of 5

Alice's Adventures Under Ground
  • Fantasy
  • 1864
  • Autor: Lewis Carroll
Numerous generations of readers read and re-read Lewis Carroll's tale of a little girl who, through a rabbit hole, enters a fairy-tale world full of charming creatures. And it all began on a July afternoon in Oxford in 1862, when Charles Dodgson, a teacher of mathematics, went on a boat trip with the daughters of his college dean. To entertain the girls, he began to tell them the story of Alice, an inquisitive girl who fell into a wonderful country. The children were fascinated, and the youngest, Alice, asked Charles to write down a fairy tale for her, which he did....
Number of pages: ~ 74 pages
Unknown rating

by Kurt Vonnegut
The Big Trip Up Yonder
  • Fiction
  • 1954
  • Autor: Kurt Vonnegut
After the invention of the cure for death, mankind faces a new problem: how to squeeze out these harmful old people, home tyrants who manipulate others by constantly copying the will....
Number of pages: ~ 11 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.1 out of 5

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
  • Сlassic
  • 1886
  • Autor: Robert Louis Stevenson
The strange and mysterious story of the mysterious Henry Jekyll infused the inexplicable horror of the unaccountable. Thus, a conscientious, respected person, with an even, calm character, can be associated with this vicious person, Edward Hyde, committing atrocious acts? Why such strange conditions in the will of the doctor? Does it constantly disappear without a trace? Intricate incidents in which these two faces are depicted end tragically ... And only the diary of the deceased, replete with terrible details, clarifies the picture of the events....
Number of pages: ~ 38 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.4 out of 5

by Paul Myron Anthony Linebarger
The Game of Rat and Dragon
  • Fiction
  • 1955
  • Autor: Paul Myron Anthony Linebarger
This is a very peculiar story about the horrors of interstellar flights: outer space with its impenetrable darkness is a true abode of nightmares. Monsters living in interstellar space are incomprehensible. Telepathic humans perceive them as dragons; and the People’s Partners — the great warrior cats — Captain Woof and Lady May — like giant rats. Light is the doom of these monsters. Going beyond the salvific sunlight, people doom themselves to death or insanity. Thus, interstellar flights turn into an eternal battle for survival....
Number of pages: ~ 19 pages
Unknown rating