"Haunting Adeline" is a Gothic romance novel by H.D. Gordon that tells the story of Adeline, a young woman who inherits a mansion from her mysterious and reclusive uncle. As she begins to explore the sprawling estate, Adeline discovers a dark history that haunts the halls and threatens to consume her.
With the help of the enigmatic and alluring Julian, Adeline delves deeper into the secrets of the mansion and uncovers a web of betrayal, murder, and supernatural forces at work. As the danger intensifies, Adeline must confront her own fears and desires, and decide who she can trust in a world where nothing is as it seems.
Gordon's writing is atmospheric and haunting, evoking the eerie beauty of the mansion and the darkness that lurks within. She blends elements of horror, romance, and mystery to create a story that is both chilling and seductive. With its complex characters and intricate plot, "Haunting Adeline" is a thrilling read for anyone who loves a good Gothic tale.
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Book brief summary
"Haunting Adeline" is a Gothic romance novel by H.D. Gordon that tells the story of Adeline, a young woman who inherits a mansion from her mysterious and reclusive uncle. As she begins to explore the sprawling estate, Adeline discovers a dark history that haunts the halls and threatens to consume her.
With the help of the enigmatic and alluring Julian, Adeline delves deeper into the secrets of the mansion and uncovers a web of betrayal, murder, and supernatural forces at work. As the danger intensifies, Adeline must confront her own fears and desires, and decide who she can trust in a world where nothing is as it seems.
Gordon's writing is atmospheric and haunting, evoking the eerie beauty of the mansion and the darkness that lurks within. She blends elements of horror, romance, and mystery to create a story that is both chilling and seductive. With its complex characters and intricate plot, "Haunting Adeline" is a thrilling read for anyone who loves a good Gothic tale.
Book Haunting Adeline (by H. D. Carlton)
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