"Things We Never Got Over" is a deeply moving novel that delves into the complexities of loss, regret, and the enduring power of love. Written by a talented author, the story follows the intertwined lives of three individuals who are haunted by their pasts and bound together by shared secrets.
Emily, a successful career woman, is struggling to come to terms with the tragic death of her husband years ago. Consumed by grief and unable to move forward, she finds solace in her work but remains emotionally disconnected from those around her.
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by Lucy Score
Book brief summary
"Things We Never Got Over" is a deeply moving novel that delves into the complexities of loss, regret, and the enduring power of love. Written by a talented author, the story follows the intertwined lives of three individuals who are haunted by their pasts and bound together by shared secrets.
Emily, a successful career woman, is struggling to come to terms with the tragic death of her husband years ago. Consumed by grief and unable to move forward, she finds solace in her work but remains emotionally disconnected from those around her.
Book Things We Never Got Over (by Lucy Score)
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