by Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm
Grimm's Fairy Tales
The Grimm brothers are one of the most famous storytellers on the planet. Everyone knows the tales and protagonists of these wonderful authors of the Bremen Town Musicians, King Thrushbeard, Snow White and Rose Red, The Brave Tailor, and many others. Their stories are still being translated into many different languages and reprinted each year in huge print runs....
Number of pages: ~ 296 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.4/5

Back to Methuselah A Metabiological Pentateuch
The whole play is the apotheosis of human will. If people want to, they will be immortal. In any case, it is in the power of people to extend their lives to the Methuselah century. One of the heroes of the play, biologist Konrad Barnabas, has proved on a number of experiments that a person, by exerting his will, can live hundreds and hundreds of years. The biologist has a brother, a politician, he preaches this theory everywhere. Lloyd George and Asquith hunt for the Barnabas, each strives to get them in his party in order to secure the majority of the votes in the elections....
Number of pages: ~ 394 pages
Unknown rating

Jukes-Edwards: A Study in Education and Heredity
The author wrote this book to show the two extremes of the decisions we make in life. Two people made their free choice based on life experience and education. The contrast of religions, also shown in the book, prompts reflection on philosophy....
Number of pages: ~ 71 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 3.9/5

Songs of Innocence and Experience
The discovery of William Blake, a poet, artist, visionary, who was ahead of his time by a whole century, happened only in the second half of the XIX century: romantic poets saw him as a fellow spiritually. By the beginning of the 20th century, his work was universally recognized. Blake became a cult figure in the circle of English Symbolists. His poetry rightfully took one of the leading places in the rich literary heritage of England....
Number of pages: ~ 46 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.1/5

by Jack London
The Call of the Wild
It was the time of the Alaskan gold rush in the 1890’s when sled dogs were very in demand. It is a story about a dog named Buck. He grew up with a comfortable life at Shepherd’s ranch. He was always fed and happy.But from the first day that Buck was stolen he learnt about hunger, thirst, and cruelty. Buck’s life changed. He was harnessed with other dogs to carry the government post. The dog pack had its own laws and Buck had to get used to them....
Number of pages: ~ 52 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.2 out of 5

by Laurence M. Janifer
Lost in Translation
In a language translation, you can get a literally accurate literal translation ... but completely miss the point. And in space translation ... the effect may be the same!...
Number of pages: ~ 14 pages
Amazon Rating ~ n/a

by Christopher Marlowe
The Jew of Malta
  • Сlassic
  • 1590
  • Autor: Christopher Marlowe
The Jew of Malta named Barabbas fights the whole Christian world for the liberation of his enslaved nation and wins in this world. Marlo’s heroes are ambiguous; they cause spectators horror and admiration at the same time. He rebelled against the medieval humility of man before the forces of nature, against the humble acceptance of life circumstances. Mars was designed to hit contemporaries with unexpected theatrical effects....
Number of pages: ~ 147 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 3.9/5

by Pedro Calderón de la Barca
Life Is a Dream
  • Сlassic
  • 1635
  • Autor: Pedro Calderón de la Barca
Life is a dream - a play by the Spanish playwright Pedro Calderon de la Barca, first presented in 1635. It is considered the most famous and significant play of Calderon. At the center of the work is the conflict between fate and duty, man and nature, power and personality....
Number of pages: ~ 104 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 3.3/5

by Jean Racine
"Phaedra" (French Phèdre) - a tragedy in five acts, a work of the French playwright Jean Racine. The play, originally called "Phaedra and Hippolytus" (Fr. Phèdre et Hippolyte), is written in an Alexandrian verse. The premiere took place in 1677. "Phaedra" is considered the pinnacle of Racine....
Number of pages: ~ 77 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.6/5

by Oscar Wilde
Lady Windermere's Fan
This secular comedy has a lot of witty salon chatter, spectacular aphorisms and paradoxes, it showed in all its splendor the art of Wilde as the most intelligent interlocutor: his dialogues are magnificent. Newspapers called him "the best of modern playwrights," noting the mind, originality, perfection of style. The sharpness of thoughts, the refinement of paradoxes are so admiring that the reader is intoxicated by them throughout the duration of the play....
Number of pages: ~ 84 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.4/5