by Euripides
The Trojan women
The action of the tragedy occurs immediately after the fall of Troy. Captured by Hekub, her daughter Cassandra and daughter-in-law Andromache learn that they are distributed among the leaders of the Achaeans - Odysseus, Agamemnon and Neoptolem, respectively. Her son Astianax, who is being thrown off the city wall, is taken from Andromache. Kassandra predicts misfortunes to the Achaeans on the way back and upon returning home. Tragedy shows the meaninglessness of a war that brings only unhappiness - not only to the vanquished, but also to the victors....
Number of pages: ~ 115 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.9/5

by George Rawlinson
Ancient Egypt
  • History
  • 1886
  • Autor: George Rawlinson
The history of ancient Egypt has about 40 centuries. Temporary borders begin in the 4th century and end with the Arab conquest in the 7th century. Ancient Egypt left a huge cultural heritage for world civilization; works of his art were exported to various parts of the world in ancient times and were widely copied by masters of other countries. Original architectural forms - magnificent pyramids, temples, palaces and obelisks inspired the imagination of travelers and explorers for many centuries....
Number of pages: ~ 408 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4/5

by Alexander Hamilton
The Federalist Papers
  • History
  • 1991
  • Autor: Alexander Hamilton
Among the masterpieces of political thought in the West, "Articles of the Federalists" occupy a special, perhaps, unique place. Although neither Hamilton, nor Madison, nor Jay were political philosophers in the proper sense of the word, in terms of the scope and symmetry of their collective theoretical thinking, they are hardly inferior to anyone of their fellow Enlightenment. Over time, the Articles of the Federalists not only did not lose their meaning, but on the contrary, they only became firmly established in their "modernity" as for American political and public life, where they serve...
Unknown rating

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge
  • History
  • 1995
  • Autor: Ambrose Bierce
An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce Peyton Farquhar, a confederate sympathizer, stands to be hanged for his role in a plot to demolish Owl Creek Bridge. As he awaits death, Farquhar considers the possibility of escape; the chances of slipping his bonds, swimming to safety, and returning to his family. An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge recounts the final moments before Farquhar is hanged, exploring the feelings of a man facing his death, and the close relationship between life and death. We are delighted to publish this classic book as part of our extensive Classic Library...
Number of pages: ~ 26 pages
Unknown rating

Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death
  • History
  • 1976
  • Autor: Patrick Henry
Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death is widely considered to be one of the top 100 greatest books of all time. For many, Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death is required reading for various courses and curriculums and for others, who simply enjoy reading timeless pieces of classic literature, this gem by Patrick Henry is highly recommended....
Number of pages: ~ 31 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4/5

The Complete Works of William Shakespeare
  • History
  • 1994
  • Autor: William Shakespeare
Moscow, 1957 Publishing "Art". With illustrations. Original dust covers, publishing bindings. Safety is good. This edition includes all the works of Shakespeare. The text is based on the most authoritative English edition - the so-called Cambridge edition (Cambridge Shakespeare, ed. William Aldis Wright, 3rd ed., 1891–93). Currently, the publication contains a more extensive auxiliary apparatus. All plays are accompanied by a critical essay and commentary. Last expanded in comparison with the previous collected works. The last volume contains an article about the history of theatrical...
Number of pages: ~ 1392 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.1/5

Walden, and On The Duty Of Civil Disobedience
  • History
  • 1995
  • Autor: Henry David Thoreau
Thoreau writing belongs to the Civil Disobedience pamphlet (Civil Disobedience, 1849), where he expressed convictions for which in July 1846 he had to spend a night in prison, because he refused to pay taxes to the government, whose actions did not approve. Many years later, this essay had a great influence on Gandhi in his speech against British rule in India....
Number of pages: ~ 202 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.1/5

by Leo Tolstoy
War and Peace
Is it possible to consider yourself a truly educated person without reading "War and Peace"? - I think the answer to this question is obvious.  Leo Tolstoy's epic novel War and Peace is considered to be the pearl of world literature. Critics of the whole world recognize “War and Peace” as a model of a new European novel, although it is not so full. From a technical point of view, it is possible to call this work absolutely perfect - descriptions of the epic events of the war with Napoleon of 1812, and at the same time the delicate characters of all strata of Russian society of that time.  It...
Number of pages: ~ 1440 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.3/5

The King James Version of the Bible
Translation of the Bible into English, performed under the patronage of the King of England Jacob I and released in 1611. Up until now, the Bible of King Jacob has the status of an approved, “authorized” by the king translation (English Authorized Version), although, unlike previous “authorized” translations, starting with the Great Bible, published under Henry VIII, there is actually no royal approval "never received [source not specified 1132 days]. In 2015, a priest of the parish church in Wrexham found one of the first copies of the King James Version of the Bible in 1611, the...
Number of pages: ~ 1824 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 3.4/5

Historic Ornament, Vol 1 (of 2)
James Ward - a scientist, a geologist, a researcher, a member of the Imperial trans-Antarctic expedition of Ernest Shackleton (1914–1917), seven Arctic expeditions to the coast and Eastern Greenland of many scientific communities....
Number of pages: ~ 193 pages
Unknown rating