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by John Galsworthy
The Silver Box
  • Humor
  • 1906
  • Autor: John Galsworthy
The play that justice is not always fair. The son of rich parents gets drunk, does not remember who he is and what he is, does all sorts of miracles, but in the end ... But in the end, the one who is the last is to blame. But if justice had not been so biased, and if money had not ruled the world, then there could have been more than one guilty....
Number of pages: ~ 88 pages
Unknown rating

by Bertrand Russell
The Problems of Philosophy
  • Science
  • 1912
  • Autor: Bertrand Russell
The book `The Problems of Philosophy` was written by B. Russell as a popular introduction to philosophy in 1910 and is still one of the best works of this kind (if not the best). The volume of the book is small, but, despite this, Russell was able to consider here the most basic issues of philosophy. `The Problems of Philosophy' can be used to teach philosophy at almost all levels of education - from secondary school to university and postgraduate study, as well as a textbook for special courses at philosophical faculties....
Number of pages: ~ 156 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.2/5

by Herman Melville
I and My Chimney
  • Fiction
  • 1856
  • Autor: Herman Melville
The book includes short stories and tales of the famous American writer Herman Melville, who became famous for the great novel Moby Dick, or White Whale. Small prose, which became a field of bold experiments for the author, prompted critics to compare Melville with Gogol and Dostoevsky, as well as call the harbinger of creativity....
Number of pages: ~ 54 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4/5

by T. R. Allinson
Dr. Allinson's cookery book
Nowadays, vegetarian and vegan lifestyles are becoming more and more popular, which means that vegetarian cookbooks have become one of the main products in many bookstores. This edition features many traditional lean dishes and side dishes that will surely appeal to even the most fastidious gourmets....
Number of pages: ~ 441 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 3.8/5

by Adam Mickiewicz
Sonnets from the Crimea
“Sonnets from the Crimea” by Adam Mickiewicz with his picturesqueness match the majestic beauty of the Crimean nature. Polish poet made a trip to the Crimea in 1825. The result of this trip was a cycle of eighteen sonnets. And although the Crimean theme was already sovereign in Russian poetry, yet “Sonnets from the Crimea" became the first vivid cycle of poems about Crimea....
Number of pages: ~ 33 pages
Unknown rating

by Charles L. Harness and Theodore L. Thomas
The Professional Approach
  • Fiction
  • 1962
  • Autor: Charles L. Harness and Theodore L. Thomas
The trials of a patent lawyer are usually highly technical tribulations--and among the greatest is the fact that Inventors are only slightly less predictable than their Inventions!...
Number of pages: ~ 18 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 3 out of 5

by Randall Garrett
What The Left Hand Was Doing
  • Fiction
  • 1960
  • Autor: Randall Garrett
There is no lie so totally convincing as something the other fellow already knows-for-sure is the truth. And no cover-story so convincing.......
Number of pages: ~ 22 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 3 out of 5

by Laurence M. Janifer
Sight Gag
  • Fiction
  • 2011
  • Autor: Laurence M. Janifer
Intelligence is a great help in the evolution-by-survival--but intelligence without muscle is even less useful than muscle without brains. But it's so easy to forget that muscle--plain physical force--is important, too!...
Number of pages: ~ 13 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4 out of 5

by Alex James
The Shining Cow
This is NOT a story about sinister aliens from outer space. This is simply the story of what happened to poor Junius when she found herself much too close to a Flying Saucer, long enough so she could be analyzed and long enough to cause some strange happenings on that farm....
Number of pages: ~ 13 pages
Amazon Rating ~ n/a

by S. E. Chapman
Doctor Jones' Picnic
  • Fiction
  • 2011
  • Autor: S. E. Chapman
The author is ready to substantiate the marvelous cures performed by Dr. Jones, for they are cases from practice. One of the objects of this work is to stimulate scientific investigation of the law of cure which guided the worthy Doctor in his selection of the remedy in a given case....
Number of pages: ~ 109 pages
Amazon Rating ~ n/a