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by Fontenay Charles Louis
Rebels of the Red Planet
  • Fantasy
  • 2017
  • Autor: Fontenay Charles Louis
It is a sea, though they call it sand. They call it sand because it is still and red and dense with grains. They call it sand because the thin wind whips it, and whirls its dusty skim away to the tight horizons of Mars. But only a sea could so brood with the memory of aeons. Only a sea, lying so silent beneath the high skies, could hint the mystery of life still behind its barren veil....
Number of pages: ~ 95 pages
Amazon Rating ~ n/c

by Bascom Jones
Blind Spot
Our civilization predates that of Earth's by millions of years. We gave of our far-advanced knowledge and science freely, so that Earth would be a better place. We asked nothing in return, but we were rewarded by having forced upon us foreign ideas of government, religion, and behavior. Our protests have been silenced by an armed-police and punitive system we've never before needed. Someday you will awaken to this injustice. On that day in your life, you have my sympathy and pity!...
Number of pages: ~ 21 pages
Amazon Rating ~ n/c

by James H. Schmitz
  • Fiction
  • 1963
  • Autor: James H. Schmitz
Martian convicts and political prisoners developed an interstellar engine capable of traveling at superluminal speeds and deserted from Mars. Earth dictatorship fears invasion, so it surrounded the planet with protective belts. And then one day a ship hit the belt, on which there was a supporter of the rebels....
Number of pages: ~ 15 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 5 out of 5

by Fredric Brown
Earthmen Bearing Gifts
  • Fiction
  • 1960
  • Autor: Fredric Brown
An hour later, a rocket from Earth will arrive on Mars. Martians were eagerly awaiting contact with Earth civilization, since Martian civilization was fading, and only 900 inhabitants of the planet remained on the planet. True, as it turned out, the rocket sent from the Earth was quite unusual ......
Number of pages: ~ 11 pages
Amazon Rating ~ n/a

by Desmond Winter Hall
Raiders Invisible
  • Fiction
  • 1931
  • Autor: Desmond Winter Hall
Alone and without help, Pilot Travers copes with invisible opponents who destroyed the great American engine of war....
Number of pages: ~ 25 pages
Amazon Rating ~ n/a

by Murray Leinster
The Aliens
  • Fiction
  • 1959
  • Autor: Murray Leinster
The purpose of the expedition of the Nikkola spaceship is to find a planet inhabiting the plumi - a space civilization, the traces of which earthlings are found on different planets. And so, it happened - in open space a plumi ship was found, which was going to approach the Nikkola. Just in case, earthlings produce a missile salvo on a strange ship....
Number of pages: ~ 31 pages
Amazon Rating ~ n/a

by Anthony Gilmore
The Passing of Ku Sui
  • Fiction
  • 1932
  • Autor: Anthony Gilmore
The screaming night streak - a cloud of billowing steam - and the culmination of the exciting Kars Hawk Brain is over. Anthony Gilmore, a pseudonym for Harry Bates, was an American science fiction writer and editor....
Number of pages: ~ 80 pages
Amazon Rating ~ n/a

by C. M. Kornbluth
The Adventurer
  • Fiction
  • 1953
  • Autor: C. M. Kornbluth
Distinctive features of people who changed the course of history: they are smart, they are foreigners, they all have Oedipus complex and some kind of physical disability. And this means that by inflicting injuries on infants and giving them upbringing for non-native families, great historical figures can be artificially raised....
Number of pages: ~ 14 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 3.7 out of 5

by Ray C. Noll
A Fine Fix
Generally speaking, people are good passers-by, but there is one circumstance in which they refuse to transfer responsibility. If another says: “Your method will not solve the problem!” - then they get angry!...
Number of pages: ~ 20 pages
Amazon Rating ~ n/a

by Paul Ernst
The Planetoid of Peril
Harley 2Q14N20 momentarily stopped at the large dome of Celestial Developments. Terribly, he looked at their map of the development of asteroids. He showed, as one would expect, the selection of the latest projects for the division of asteroids: Celestial Developments, founded in the distant 2045, will cope only with the best. It’s unlikely that he will find anything here!...
Number of pages: ~ 18 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 2 out of 5