by John Victor Peterson
Lost in the Future
Did you ever wonder what might happen if mankind ever exceeded the speed of light? Here is a profound story based on that thought--a story which may well forecast one of the problems to be encountered in space travel....
Number of pages: ~ 9 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4 out of 5

by Al Sevcik
Alien Offer
In space, a vengeful fleet waited.... Then the furred strangers arrived with a plan to save Earth's children. But the General wasn't sure if he could trust an......
Number of pages: ~ 15 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.1 out of 5

by R. R. Winterbotham
The Minus Woman
What made the mass of this tiny asteroid fluctuate in defiance of all known physical laws? It was an impossible fact--but then, so was the girl who they knew couldn't exist!...
Number of pages: ~ 12 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 5 out of 5

by Charles Louis Fontenay
If Saranta wished to qualify as one who loved his fellow man, he should have known that often the most secretive things are the most obvious....
Number of pages: ~ 9 pages
Amazon Rating ~ n/c

by Anderson Horne
The Day of the Dog
They came home from a strange journey.... And heroes they might have been--a little dog and a man!...
Number of pages: ~ 13 pages
Amazon Rating ~ n/c

by Theodore Pratt
The Hohokam Dig
From where had these attacking Indians come? Out of a long forgotten and dim past? Had their medicine man seen the one supreme vision?...
Number of pages: ~ 14 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4 out of 5

by Everett B. Cole
The Weakling
A strong man can, of course, be dangerous, but he doesn't approach the vicious deadliness of a weakling - with a weapon!...
Number of pages: ~ 45 pages
Amazon Rating ~ n/c

by Frank Belknap Long
The Calm Man
Sally watched the molten gold glow in the sky. Then knew she would not see her son and her husband ever again on Earth....
Number of pages: ~ 15 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 3 out of 5

by B F. L. Wallace
Bolden's Pets by
Amazon Rating ~ 4.3 out of 5

by Stephen Marlowe
The One and the Many
Only One Question Is Eternal- What Lies Beyond the Ultimate?...
Number of pages: ~ 11 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4 out of 5