The Monster
What will cosmic rays do to a living organism? Will they destroy life, or produce immortality? The eminent Dr. Blair Gaddon thought he knew ......
Number of pages: ~ 31 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 2.4 out of 5

by Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
The Big Trip Up Yonder
If it was good enough for your grandfather, forget it ... it is much too good for anyone else!...
Number of pages: ~ 13 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.1 out of 5

by Bascom Jones
Blind Spot
Our civilization predates that of Earth's by millions of years. We gave of our far-advanced knowledge and science freely, so that Earth would be a better place. We asked nothing in return, but we were rewarded by having forced upon us foreign ideas of government, religion, and behavior. Our protests have been silenced by an armed-police and punitive system we've never before needed. Someday you will awaken to this injustice. On that day in your life, you have my sympathy and pity!...
Number of pages: ~ 21 pages
Amazon Rating ~ n/c

by Murray Leinster
Talents Incorporated
The ruthless Dictator of Mekin has already subjugated twenty-two helpless planets. Now he wants Kandar's unconditional surrender - or he will blast it out of existence!...
Number of pages: ~ 92 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.1 out of 5

by Poul Anderson
Industrial Revolution
Anderson as a science fiction writer is primarily concerned with scientific problems. These are flights into space, and anthropology, and ethics, not to mention physics, which is somehow present in all the science fiction works of the writer. Often Anderson draws his ideas from a story that, to his credit, he knows professionally deeply. Anderson's work is especially characterized by a fascination with myths and traditions of various peoples, and primarily Scandinavian. The list of awards received by Anderson speaks of the artistic level of the works of all these genres: he was awarded the...
Number of pages: ~ 66 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 3.4/5

Teach Yourself VISUALLY WordPress
Get your blog up and running with the latest version of WordPress WordPress is one of the most popular, easy-to-use blogging platforms and allows you to create a dynamic and engaging blog, even if you have no programming skills or experience. Ideal for the visual learner, Teach Yourself VISUALLY WordPress, Second Edition introduces you to the exciting possibilities of the newest version of WordPress and helps you get started, step by step, with creating and setting up a WordPress site. Author and experienced WordPress user Janet Majure shares advice, insight, and best practices for taking...
Number of pages: ~ 306 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.2/5

by G. Gordon Dewey
Time and the Woman
Number of pages: ~ 14 pages
Amazon Rating ~ п/а

by Jesse Roarke
Ripeness is All
Shakespeare wrote it, in the tragedy of King Lear—a phrase to live by: Men must endure Their going hence, even as their coming hither......
Number of pages: ~ 20 pages
Amazon Rating ~ п/а

by Robert Moore Williams
Publicity Stunt by Robert Moore Williams
A short story that takes place in the Venus Colonization. Man has been asked to create a new colony on the planet "next door" to earth and a new adventure is about to begin....
Number of pages: ~ 16 pages
Amazon Rating ~ п/а

by Andre Norton
Voodoo Planet
The story is described as a "space mage duel". It involves two witch doctors who instigate ghosts and demons against each other and may seem like a fantasy. But Norton bases the magic of magicians on the use of mildly hallucinogenic drugs, psychological manipulations and hidden telepathy, which put history into the realm of science fiction....
Number of pages: ~ 50 pages
Amazon Rating ~ 4.3 out of 5